打工姐妹花第二季 第97期:失物招领箱(在线收听

 Okay, everyone. Time to dig it up what's in the Lost and Found box. 各位,又到了失物招领箱的宝物发掘时间。

If my dignity is in there, tell it I said "What up?" 如果我的尊严在里面,帮我向它打个招呼。
This is my favourite day of the month. 这是我一个月中最喜欢的日子
Oh God, I'm falling so far so fast. 天啊,我堕落得太快太深了
You haven't fallen that far. 没有这么夸张啦。
First item, a scrunchie. I need that! Give me! I think I hit my bottom. 第一件是,发束。我需要这个!给我!我堕落到极限,该停了。
Okay, next item. A pregnancy test. 好了,下一件。验孕棒。
That's empty. What? I had two free minutes, and you never know. 那盒子是空的。看我干嘛,我有两分钟空档,有孕验孕,没孕强身嘛。
Can we move this along? I'm an old man, and I need to get to bed. 能不能快点?我年纪大了,得早点上床。
You are late to meet woman for hot date. You know it. 你是约了妹子"上床",现在迟到了吧。还是你懂行。
A wallet and... no money. 一个钱包...可惜没钱。
What? If I was pregnant, I needed it for the baby. 看我干嘛,如果我怀孕了,我得花钱去打孩子啊。
And finally for the sixth month in a row... The wig. The wig! 最后一样,是连续六个月都有的...假发。假发!
Han, it's your turn. We have all put it on except you. 阿憨,这次该你了。除了你,我们都戴过了。
If I had to take a picture in it, you have to take a picture in it. 连我都戴过这玩意拍照了,你也得做同样的事情。
Okay, fine. Man, I'm a fun boss. 好吧。我可真是个风趣的老板啊。
Oh, sorry, sir. We're closed. 不好意思,先生,我们打烊了。
I was just checking if I left my toupee here. 我来看看是不是把假发忘在这了。
Take the picture quick. 快点拍照。