打工姐妹花第二季 第101期:商量租下门店(在线收听

 Max, look around. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 麦克斯,看看四周。你想的跟我的一样吗?

Yup. The shooter stood here, and, based on the blood splatter, he was short and walked with a limp. 对,枪手站在这里,依墙上溅开的血迹分析,他个子不高,走路会一瘸一拐。
And his name was Mad Dog. 'Cause I want that to be his name. 他名叫迈德·道格。因为我希望他叫这个。
No, Max, you know how we've always wanted our own shop? 不,麦克斯,我们不是一直想拥有自己的店面吗?
This is it. This is Max's homemade cupcakes. 就是这里了。这里就是麦克斯自制小蛋糕的店址。
Oh. Yeah, I see that. And we can put our red velvets over there by the random skull fragments. 好吧,我懂了。还可以把我们的红色天鹅绒摆那边的头骨碎渣旁。
Besides, I thought our shop was gonna be in Manhattan. 再说了,我们不是要把店开在曼哈顿吗。
Manhattan's over. Williamsburg is the new hot area, 曼哈顿已经落伍了。现在威廉斯堡才是新的流行地,
And besides Martha's blurb says we're a Williamsburg must-have, so we must have this space. 而且书上说我们是威廉斯堡必尝的美味,所以我们必须租下这里。
No, we must have the money. I mean, this place has got to be, like, $4,000 a month. 错,我们必须先弄得钱。这地方起码得4千块一个月啊。
Was. Was $4,000 a month. That was the pre-tragedy price. 那是过去,过去可能得一个月4千。那是悲剧发生前的价格。
When people die, it's a buyer's market. 一旦死过人,多少钱就是买家说了算。
You want to rent a room in that shining hotel now, it's, like, 50 bucks a night. 想在出过事的高档酒店住上一晚,大概50块一晚就行了。
Well, obviously I wanna start a business in a place where there was a shooting spree. 虽然我很想在一个发生过连环射杀凶案的地方开店。
And, if we go with red, it's half painted. But where are we gonna get the money? 而且如果想漆成红墙,这都半完工了。但我们要去哪里弄这笔钱?
This blurb is our money in the bank. 玛莎的宣传就是我们银行里的钱。
Oh, yeah, that's another thing we don't have. A bank. 真好,又多了一样我们没有的东西。银行。
There are places set up by women specifically to support other women's small businesses. 有些专门为了支持其他女性的,小本生意的而创立的机构。
I'm talking girl-on-girl financing. 我说的是"女女融资"
That's hot. But I don't care how much money they offer us, I'm not braiding anyone's hair. 名字真肉欲。但不管她们能借给咱们多少钱,我都不会出卖自己身体的。