打工姐妹花第二季 第118期:深夜送灌肠剂(在线收听

 Oh, Andy... I know. I'm good at this. 安迪...我知道,我龙精虎猛。

What? Is there another rat? 怎么了,又有老鼠吗?
What are you doing? 你干嘛啊?
I forgot Andy was here! 我忘了安迪来了嘛!
And your sex voice is the same as your murder voice. 而且你的浪叫跟杀人叫声如出一撤。
So are you just gonna stand there? 你还要在那边继续看啊?
Are you offering me a three-way? 你是在邀请我"三人行"吗?
Well, it looks like we're about to be a full-blown orgy. 看来要激化成为杂交派对了。
It's 2:00 A.M. Who could this be? 都半夜两点了,会是谁啊?
It's Ruth. Ruth? Yes. I'm late, right? Why is she here? 是露丝。露丝?对,我是不是来迟了?她干嘛来啊?
I texted her and said you needed an enema. 我发短信告诉她你需要灌肠剂。
Okay, now, this is some industrial-strength girl talk. 这是高强度工业等级的姐妹私房话吧。
I had to do something to show her who was boss. 我得做出行动,让她知道谁主谁仆啊。
I learned it while interning at Conde Nast. 我去康泰纳仕实习时学到的。
We've all gotten someone an enema in the middle of the night, it's a rite of passage. 我们实习生都帮人半夜买过灌肠剂,算是个"通过仪式"。
For someone to get their passage right? 帮助别人"通道"顺畅的仪式吗?
Beat me to it. 抢了我台词啊。
There. Go open the door. You know what has to happen. 到了,去开门吧。你知道这非做不可。
Max has to put Ruth in her place so she can learn how to be a boss. 麦克斯得让露丝干她的活,她才有办法学着当个老板。
Oh. That's all? Good. 就这样啊,那就好。
'Cause I thought from your tone, you were gonna force Max to have an enema. 刚才听你语气我还以为你让她非做不可的是灌肠。
Sorry I'm late. I had the tiniest pot cookie and had to pull over to take a nap. 抱歉我来晚了。我吃了一小块大麻饼干,得停车打个小盹。
Anyway, here is your enema. Enjoy. They only had the triple pack. 好了,这是你的灌肠剂,慢慢享用。他们只卖三合一包。
Wait, Ruth? Max has something she wants to say to you. 等等,露丝。麦克斯有话想对你说。
Max, what did you want to say to Ruth? 麦克斯,你想对露丝说什么来着?
Um, thanks for the triple? Three times the fun. 谢谢你买的三合一包?三倍药量,三倍享受。