打工姐妹花第二季 第124期:没度就是无下限(在线收听

 Earl, time to play "Marry, sleep with, or kill: Diner edition." Ladies, booth one? 厄尔,来玩"结婚,上床,或杀掉游戏之餐厅版吧"。一号卡座的妞们?

Sleep with, sleep with, slept with. Nice. 上她,上她,上过她。厉害。
Okay, Max, the dude at table ten. 到你了,麦克斯,十号桌男的。
Is there a "throw food in the cage and run" category? 有"丢食物进笼后就跑"的选项吗?
Hey, jump in. We're playing "Marry, sleep with, or kill: Diner edition." 过来参一脚。我们在玩"结婚,上床,或杀掉游戏之餐厅版"。
No, if I slept with anyone in this diner, I'd kill myself. 不,如果我跟这餐厅里任何一人上过床,我会想杀了自己。
Even in a fictional scenario, I cannot permit myself to go there. 就算只是假设一下,我也不能这么无下限。
Girl, you'd take the fun out of the punch bowl full of cocaine. 妹子,嗑药再兴奋都被你一扫而光了。
Okay, fine. Sleep with Earl, marry you. 好吧,玩就玩。上厄尔,娶你。
Not us! Jeez. What are you, a freak? 靠!别说我们啊!你是怪胎还是变态啊?
I feel uncomfortable, Caroline. Like, I don't know how to look at you anymore. 卡洛琳,你弄得人家好不舒服。人家都不知道怎么面对你了。
Now, I can only see you in a creepy lady tux. 你在我心里变成穿怪怪女燕尾服的怪人了。
You said it was just a game! 你自己说只是个游戏的!
I'm not in love with you. Back off! 我一点都不爱你,离我远点!
It was just a joke, Earl. 厄尔,只是说着玩而已啦。
The things we say in jest, darling. The things we say in jest. 亲爱的,开玩笑也要有个度。没度就是无下限啊。