美国小学英语教材6:第77课 闪烁的翅膀(7)(在线收听

 South of the cedar brake, at a safe distance from the trees, Clint ordered Andres to keep a big fire blazing. 在雪松的南面,在距离树林不远不近处,克林特命令安德烈斯燃起火。

Here the old herder rubbed the chilled goats back to life as Clint and the young herder brought them down. 老牧人让冻僵的山羊重换生机,而克林特和年轻牧人带它们下来。
In blinding sleet this work went on for hours. And still Clint kept old Andres piling on cedar boughs, which lighted the night weirdly; 在刺骨的雨夹雪中,这项工作持续了几个小时,克林特一直让老牧人堆雪松枝,这个夜晚被奇怪地点亮了;
he kept Jose working shoulder to shoulder with him till all but twenty goats were in. 在20只山羊进入之前,他一直让约瑟和他一起做这项工作。
They're hid out somewhere, Clint concluded. We'll have to wait till daylight to make another round. Here's hoping they've found a cave. 克林特认为它们是藏在了哪里,我们要等到天亮再继续四处看看,希望它们找到了洞穴。
Suddenly, above the bleating of the goats and the crackle of the fire and the whistling of the wind, 突然,在山羊咩咩叫,大火发出的噼啪声,以及风嗖嗖的声音之上,
there sounded a distant droning. Clint listened intently. With an oncoming whir the noise zoomed through the ridge of the mountain. 远处传来了嗡嗡声,克林特认真聆听着,迎面而来的呼呼声响彻了山上的桥梁。
Now the roar was whirling close overhead. Through the driving sleet a light was exploring the flat in narrowing circles. 如今,旋转的声音接近头顶,在暴风雪中,窄小的圆形光束照亮了平面,
Then zip! bang! An airplane flopped to the ground not a hundred yards away, and skipped into the clearing opposite the bonfire! 之后快速移动!一阵巨响!就在不到一百码的地方,一架飞机跌落地面,迅速转移到篝火的对面。
Clint ran forward. The plane wobbled; its motor stopped. A tall young man hopped out and jerked off his visor. 克林特跑上前去,飞机在摇晃,发动机停止了,一个高大的年轻人跳了出来,猛地拉开了面罩。
We're safe! he grinned. Thanks to your signal fire! Engine trouble? asked Clint, stepping up and laying his hand on the disabled plane. 他笑道说我们安全,谢谢你的篝火信号,克林特走上前,将手放在破损的飞机上,并问道是引擎问题?
No, sleet. The wings got iced and stopped working. I thought I would never find a landing place. 是雨夹雪,机翼冻上了,停止了工作,我以为我没法找到降落地点。
It was hard to keep from hanging on those mountain jags. Through the ice drizzle, 很难不让飞机在山峰上空盘旋,在雨雪交加之中,
my flare wouldn't show me where to land, but your bonfire cleared things up for me. 我的信号没法让我找地方降落,但你的篝火为我指明了道路。
The pilot was examining his plane, knocking the ice off the wings to find out how great was the damage. 飞行员在检查他的飞机,将机翼上的冰清除干净,查看受损情况。
Need help, do you? asked Clint, eager to put some of his book knowledge into practice. 克林特问道,你需要帮助吗?他非常希望能将书本上的知识用到实践。
I surely do, replied the pilot looking about. What is this place, a goat camp? 飞行员回到道当然,同时他观望着这个地区,这是什么地方,是山羊营地吗?
Clint explained. With a sudden dart he snatched up a kid that had toppled over on its side. 克林特作了解释,他突然飞奔,拿起一只摇摇欲坠的小山羊。
Then he knelt down and quickly shifted the position of an older goat that was scorching on one shoulder and shivering on the other. 他跪下来,迅速转移了一只老山羊的位置,它的一边肩膀已经烧焦,另一只还在颤抖。