英语听力精选进阶版 9409(在线收听

The Kremlin says Washington's threat to pull out of a thirty-year-old treaty on intermediate-range nuclear missiles is deeply concerning. It says that if this went ahead, Russia would have to act to restore the nuclear balance. After talks with the visiting US National Security Advisor John Bolton, his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev said Moscow was prepared to work with Washington on addressing any mutual grievances. A European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic urged both sides to resolve their differences. We believe that the US and Russia need to remain engaged in constructive dialogue to preserve the treaty, which of course is crucial for Europe's and global security. And we of course expect the Russian Federation to address the concerns regarding its compliance with this treaty in a substantial and transparent way.


There's been heavy fighting in a disputed Somali region which has left more than forty people dead. Fighting in the area first erupted in 2004, but the latest clashes come just after a peace deal in the Sool region which is claimed by both the self-declared Republic of Somaliland and Puntland, an autonomous region of Somalia. Will Ross reports. The governor of the Sool region Abdirashid Hussein says the fighting started shortly after dawn and lasted all day as the two rival sub clans shot at each other using heavy weapons mounted on the backs of vehicles. Lengthy peace talks between the rival factions of the Dhulbahante clan ended with a ceasefire just ten days ago. The mediator of those talks has appealed for both sides to agree to a new ceasefire to end the fighting which has scattered hundreds of nomadic herders and their livestock.

存在争议的索马里地区爆发了激烈的战斗,导致40多人死亡 。该地区的冲突最早起于2004年,最近一次爆发就在苏尔地区的和平协议签署之后,自称为索马里兰共和国和邦特兰都宣布对该地拥有主权,邦特兰是索马里的一个自治区,以下是威尔?罗斯的报道。苏尔地区总督阿布迪?胡塞恩表示称,冲突是在黎明不久后开始的,且持续了一天,两个次部落使用汽车后面的重型武器相互攻击。多巴汉特部落的敌对派系间展开了漫长和谈,而就在十天前他们刚刚同意停火。斡旋人员呼吁双方达成新的停火协议,以停止这场冲突,冲突驱散了数百名游牧民和牲畜。

Turkey says it will do everything it can to shed light on the murder of a Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A spokesman for President Erdogan said nothing would remain in the dark regarding the investigation into the killing in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkish officials earlier dismissed the Saudi assertion that Mr. Khashoggi died during a fistfight. Omer Celik is a spokesman for the governing party. We are faced with a situation in which a murder was brutally planned and a lot of effort has been made to cover it up. When we look at this from this point of view, it's a very complex murder. For us, it's a duty of honor to reveal the truth. The truth will come out.

