打工姐妹花第二季 第153期:第一个私人派对(在线收听

 This is it, Max. The first private party we've booked in our cupcake shop. 麦克斯,成啦。这是我们小店接的第一个私人派对单呢。

What? You said it was a private party, and this is a party I keep near my privates. 干嘛,你说私人派对啊,这是我放在"私"处旁的"派对"。
Fine, but they can't smell it on your breath, so eat a mint after. 随你吧,不过不能让人家闻到酒味,等会吃颗薄荷糖吧。
No need. It's peppermint schnapps, 'cause I think ahead. 不必,这刚好是薄荷杜松子酒,看我多深谋远虑啊。
I think this calls for a "first party" dance. 这值得来一段"首次派对"舞吧。
First par-tay. Who gonna have a first par-tay. We gon' have a first par-tay. 首次派对。谁首次要派对啦。我们首次要派对啦。
That's the exact same dance you did when the humane society sent you free puppy address labels. 保护动物协会上次送你狗狗地址条的时候,你不也跳这支舞吗。
Address labels. Who got doggies on an envelope. Who got doggies on an envelope. 地址条。谁家信封上有狗狗地址条啊。谁家信封上有狗狗地址条啊。
I need another sip of this. Wish I had something stronger. 我得再喝一口啦。真希望我有更烈的酒。
Max, I'm sorry. I can't help it. 麦克斯,不好意思啦,我忍不住嘛。
I'm just so excited my genius marketing ideas are finally starting to pay off. 想到我天才般的营销策略终于有成效,我就兴奋得不得了嘛。
Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! 安静,安静!安静,都安静!
If you aren't listening, Cupcake Max can't teach you how to decorate. 你们不好好听话,小蛋糕麦克斯姐姐怎么教你们弄装饰啊。
It's weird how sex is so great, and yet, it makes these. 性爱如此愉悦,为何后果令人想哭。