打工姐妹花第二季 第156期:跟踪麦克斯(在线收听

 Max, you can turn around. That's right, I followed you. 麦克斯,转过身来。没错,我跟踪了你。

Sorry for following you. It's just, you have the hair and jacket of a woman. In a good way. 抱歉我跟踪了你。只是你跟一个女人的发型和外套很像。我是称赞你啦。
Did you actually think that was me? My beard is much thicker. 你不会把他认错成是我吧?我的胡须比他浓密多了。
Well, where are we going? Why are we in this seedy building that smells like marijuana? 我们到底是要上哪去啊?我们干嘛来这个破烂建筑里啊,这里好浓的大麻味。
Oh, my God, is this where your mom lives? 天啊,这里是你妈妈住的地方吗?
You think my mom lives indoors? 你居然以为我妈住室内啊?
Okay, look, for the last few nights, my dealer calls me after she sells pot to people, 好啦,最近几晚,我的大麻贩友人在卖货后会通知我,
and then I sell those people the munchies they need. 然后我就趁人抽完肚子饿时来卖零嘴。
Max, this is New York. That's illegal! 麦克斯,这里是纽约,那是犯法的!
No, giant sodas are illegal. This is me selling cupcakes to make our rent. 才没有,大瓶汽水才犯法呢。我这是在卖小蛋糕赚租金。
And besides, it's not a big deal. 而且这又没什么大不了的。
Pot's legal in Washington, Massachusetts, Colorado, and California. 在华盛顿州,麻省,科罗拉多州,加州,大麻可都是合法的呢。
Well, thank you for the stoner's summary of the last election, but we don't live in any of those places. 感谢你的选举过后,毒虫政策精选啊,但我们又不住那些地方。
And I do not approve of pot at all. 而我也完全讨厌大麻这玩意。
It makes people lazy and lethargic, and drains all one's ambitions. 让人们懒惰又恍惚,还把人的理想志向全吸走。
God, you're fun. Look, on the other side of this door 天啊,你真"有趣"。在这扇门的背后,
is money to help us make the $600 more we need for rent. 有着能让我们多付600块租金的机会。
It's totally up to you. Should I knock, or not knock? 你决定吧。我该敲门,还是不敲门呢?