打工姐妹花第二季 第161期:凯洛琳拒绝安迪的借款(在线收听

 And around 4:00 A.M., you finally called me from an IHOP in Greenpoint, and I came and picked you up. 大概清晨四点左右,你终于从松饼餐厅打来给我,然后我就去接你回来了。

You were covered in syrup, yelling, "The Mayans were right! The Mayans were right!" 你当时满身沾了糖浆,大喊着,"玛雅人说得对,玛雅人说得对!"
There's my little stoner. 我的小毒虫宝贝呀。
Andy, I don't get stoned. It was just last night. 安迪,我才不是毒虫。我才不是毒虫,昨晚而已。
I know. You told me all about it when you called at 4:00 A.M. 我知道。你半夜四点打给我时,都跟我说了。
Sorry, and I'm mortified to ask, but did you and I have phone sex? 对不起啦,我还有件事不敢问,但我是不是跟你电话性爱了?
That was you and me. Stoned Caroline's got game. 当时电话中的人是我。毒虫卡洛琳很有市场啊。
Hey, Max told me about the rent. 麦克斯跟我说租金的事了。
Why didn't you tell me you guys needed help? 你为什么不跟我说你们需要帮忙呢?
I guess I just didn't want to have to admit to you or to myself that we're in real trouble. 我只是不想向你,或是对自己承认我们的店碰上了大麻烦。
Plus, being a charity instead of a girlfriend is so not hot. 而且,从女朋友变成欠债人太不性感了。
Uh, there is nothing you can do that is not hot. 你无论做什么,都很难不性感。
Oh, then whatever you do, do not look at the video Max has of me, rolling around in the IHOP parking lot, covered in syrup. 那无论如何,你千万别看那麦克斯拍我在松饼餐厅停车场打滚的影片,而且我还满身糖浆。
I want you to have this. Cash it, don't cash it. Do whatever you want, 我想你拿去。兑现,不兑现,都随你高兴,
but just know that my success doesn't mean anything if I can't share it with you. 我只想你明白,我的成功如果不能与你同享那便一文不值。
Thank you. Andy, that is so amazing, and I really appreciate it, but I can't take it. 谢谢。安迪,你这么做我真的很感激,但这钱我不能拿。
Well, it's a win-win. At least it got your hand in my pants. 好吧,这还算双赢。至少拐到你把手放我裤子里了。
And remember, if you ever need it, it's there. I'm talking about my penis. 记住,你一有需要,它就在这里。我是说我的"大雕"。