打工姐妹花第二季 第162期:我们是一家人(在线收听

 Andy offered to pay our rent, but I said no. 安迪想给我们租金钱,我拒绝了。

That is the whitest thing I've ever heard. 这真是我听过最蠢白人的事迹了。
It was really sweet of him, but I didn't want to take money from a man I'm sleeping with. 他这么做真的很有心,但我真的不想从我"睡的"男人那里拿钱。
Wait, are you telling me there are women who don't take money from men they're sleeping with? 什么,你是说居然有女人不跟她"睡"的男人拿钱吗?
What's gonna happen, Max? 接下来怎么办呢,麦克斯?
I don't know. But we do have Christmas decorations, so let's put them up. 我也不知道了。但我们有圣诞节装饰啊,一起来摆上装饰吧。
Wait a minute. You're the one pushing Christmas? Who are you, me? 等等。居然是你在催我弄圣诞节?你是谁啊,我吗?
No, I still have my dignity. 才不是你,我的尊严还在呢。
Speaking of Christmas, here are the two and a half wise men. 说到圣诞节,东方博士两个半来啦。
What's up? Caroline called me last night. 怎么啦?卡洛琳昨晚打给我。
Told me that you two couldn't pay your rent, that you were losing the shop. That girl can talk. 说你们俩付不起租金,你们会失去这小店。那妞话可多了哦。
She called me too, and said you didn't have your rent, 她也打给我了,说你们没钱交租,
and also that, for sure, the rising waters of the ocean will swallow us and kill us all. 她也说了,上升的海水会淹没全世界,也会把所有人类统统淹死。
So we put together what we had, and... here. 我们就把身上的钱凑了凑,给。
Consider it an early Christmas gift from all three of us... 就当是我们三个提前送的圣诞礼物吧...
Even though I gave 350, Earl gave 100, and he gave 50. 虽然是我出了350,厄尔出了100,他只出了50块。
Thank you, but we can't take it. 谢谢你们,但我们不能收啊。
Yes, you can. We're family. 当然能收,我们是家人嘛。
500 whole dollars? Thank you, guys. 整整500块啊?谢谢你们了。
And we have something special for you. 我们也有特别的礼物送你们。
What makes it special? 特别之处在哪啊?
The love she puts into 'em, Max. 她放里面的满满爱意啊。
You can smell the love all around her. 她满身都闻得到爱意呢。
You know, Max, I think we're gonna make it. 麦克斯,我觉得我们会成功的。
I like not-stoned Caroline. We're gonna keep you off the drugs. 我喜欢非毒虫版卡洛琳。我们得让你离毒品远点才行。
You mean because I'm more positive? 因为我这时候比较乐观正面吗?
No, 'cause we may have to sell your urine for next month's rent, and I'm gonna need that pee clean. 是因为下个月的租进,可能得靠卖你的尿,所以你绝对不能碰毒啊。