打工姐妹花第二季 第169期:蒸桑拿(在线收听

 So this is a fancy sauna? Not impressed. 这就是传输中的桑拿房啊?真不咋地。

People pay for the privilege of sitting in decades of ass sweat? 居然有人愿意花钱来坐在别人留下的无数屁股汗上?
How come your towel's staying up so much better than mine? 为什么你的毛巾比我的紧那么多?
I can think of two reasons. 我能想到"两个"理由。
I'm gonna get some water, and then start peeing. 我要去喝点水,好回来开尿了。
When you come back, we have to discuss the B.S. Bride's cake. 等你回来,我们还得谈谈胡扯新娘小蛋糕一事。
We can't screw this up. It's all we have. 这单子不能搞砸啊,就靠这单了。
This heat is amazing. Mother of God! That's hot. 这蒸得太爽了。亲娘地,真烫啊。
There are bears out there. They're coming this way. 外面有熊呢。朝这里过来了。
What? Max, get in here! Close the door! 什么?麦克斯,快躲进来,关上门啊!
Fine, but they'll just open it and come in. 随便,他们照样会开门进来。
Bears can't open doors and walk in. These ones can. 熊才没办法开门走进来呢。这种熊就可以。