打工姐妹花第二季 第175期:上床一起抱抱(在线收听

 This is so comfortable! 这真是太舒服了!

You put a belt on this, you could wear it out. 系个腰带,都可以直接穿出门了。
Just don't try that at your in-laws' house with a matching turban. 千万不要在你亲家的房子这么穿,还配上成套的头巾。
Dirk, my father worked 40 years in the factory before he lost his arm. 德克,我父亲在失去一只手臂前,在满是男子汉的工厂里干了40年。
He doesn't get "Camp." Okay. 他接受不了娘炮男同。好吧。
Now get up here, lady. We're having cookies and milk. 快上来,小姑娘。我们要吃饼干喝牛奶了。
You guys rock. I promise I won't stay here all night. 你们俩太棒了。我保证不会整晚待在这里的。
Don't wanna get trapped in the middle of your country bear jamboree. 我可不想妨碍你们的乡间"熊熊狂欢夜"时光。
Please, honey. You are perfectly safe in this bed. 拜托,亲爱的。你在这张床上很安全。
We haven't had sex in a year. 我们一年没做过爱了。
Why would you tell her that? 你干嘛告诉她那个?
Well, she told us about her friends not having sex. I thought it was on the table. 她告诉我们,她的朋友很久没做啦。我以为这种事可以公开说啊。
But we haven't even discussed that. 但这件事甚至连我们自己都没谈过。
Mother ship, make it happen! This is the time to abduct me. 外星母舰,让我梦想成真吧!此时不绑更待何时啊。
Hi. Max, you can come back. Andy left. 麦克斯,你可以回来了,安迪走了。
He said he'd find his own way home. He left? 他说他会想办法回家的。他走了?
Because you're not having sex? 就因为你们不做爱吗?
Max, you told the bears we're not having sex? Why would you share that? 麦克斯,你居然告诉这对基熊我们不做爱?你干嘛要分享这种事?
Exactly, Caroline. And why would you tell Max that, 就是,卡洛琳。为什么你要告诉麦克斯,
when you never even brought it up in our Gestalt therapy? 而在我们做格式塔疗时却绝口不提呢?
I was planning on addressing it with you this weekend. 我本打算这周末正式跟你说的。
You think I'd spend $500 on this room for milk and cookies? 不然你觉得我花500大洋开这间房就为了喝牛奶吃饼干吗?
I think we're all forgetting how good that soup was. 我觉得我们都忘了汤的味道有多棒。
Well, I'm sorry if I haven't been feeling very attractive lately. 抱歉我最近觉得自己不太有魅力。
I tell you how handsome you are every day. 我可是每天都告诉你,你有多帅哦。
Don't you guys look exactly alike? 你们俩不是长得很像吗?
Are you okay? I'm all right. 你没事吧?没事。
You wanna get in bed and cuddle for a little while? 你想上床大家抱抱一下吗?
No, it's -- yeah. Come on. Yeah, get in here. There you go. There you go. 不用了...好吧。来啦。对啊,来这里。这才对嘛。