打工姐妹花第二季 第176期:提出分手(在线收听

 Oh, good. You're alive. 太好了,你还活着。

When I heard you left and walked through the woods, I wondered, "was there anal probing?" 当我听说你离开,独自穿过树林时,我心想,"会不会被抓去肛门探测"。
By an alien, not a grifter. 被外星人"探测",而不是被骗子骗。
You texted you wanted to see me? 是你发短信说想见我吗?
Well, someone did. 是某人啦。
Happy Birthday! Now, come on, blow. 生日快乐。来,快吹。
I don't really feel like doing that. 我不是很想做这事。
Welcome to our world. 欢迎来到女人的世界。
Andy, I'm so sorry about everything. 安迪,我为发生的一切感到抱歉。
It's okay. I had a lot of time to think on the bus, 没关系。我坐公车的时候,有很多时间思考,
and the other bus, and the bus I had to take when that bus broke down. 因为我要转车,然后转的车坏了,我又得再转一辆车。
If it makes you feel any better, I have rope burns all down my back. 如果能让你感觉好点,我的后背全是绳子擦伤的痕迹呢。
Andy, I'm sorry about your birthday. We told each other those dates a month ago. 安迪,抱歉忘了你的生日。我们是一个月前告诉彼此对方生日的。
I wouldn't expect you to remember mine. 我都不指望你会记得我的。
May 28th, 1987. 10:30 in the morning. 1987年5月28日。早上10点30分。
10:30 at night, so you're not perfect. 是晚上10点30分,所以你也不完美嘛。
Look, you have a really busy life, and you're really ambitious, which I admire, 你的人生很忙,你也很要强,这点我很敬佩,
but I wanna be more than someone you get to eventually. 但我不想做一个要等着你人生里有我的人。
And you deserve that. It's just I have to put the business first right now... 当然不是这样。只不过我现在要以事业为先...
And I get that. I just--I think we should take a break. 我明白。我觉得我们该冷静一下。
You wanna take a break? Maybe, yeah. 你想冷静一下?或许,是吧。
Are you saying take a break 'cause you really mean "Break up," but you're trying to be nice? 你真正想说的是不是"分手","冷静一下"不过是你不忍心才这么说?
Maybe, yeah. I'm sorry if this seems sudden, but I know me, 或许,是吧。抱歉这一切来得这么突然,但我了解自己,
and maybe it's better sooner than later. 或许长痛不如短痛。
I'm back! And I brought my bridesmaids! 我回来啦!我还把我的伴娘都带来了!
Looks like business is picking up. 看起来生意在好转嘛。
It's gonna be hard not to see you. 要不见你,会很难吧。
Yeah, it will be. I work 10 feet away. 是啊,的确。我就在你10英尺外工作。
This way, ladies. We're gonna taste every cupcake they have! 这边,姑娘们。我们要尝遍她们所有的小蛋糕!
This is the time to take me! 现在是带我走的最佳时机!
Come on, final offer! E.T.? Alf? Christina Ricci? 快点,最后一次求你了。ET,阿福?克里斯蒂娜·里奇?