
 It's time to wake up, people! This one goes out to teachers—teachers and students. 大家,该起床喽!这一部影片要献给老师--老师和学生们。

It's time to get our learn on! And we got a lot to learn, too. I don't know it all, but I know a few things. 开始学点东西啦!而且我们也有很多要学的。我不是什么都知道,但我知道几件事。
Science! You're here. You take up space. You matter. It's just science, man! 科学!你人在这。你占据空间。你很重要。老兄,这就只是科学啊!
Don't be a bully. Don't even be a bully to the bullies. It just makes more bullies. 不要当恶霸。不要甚至当欺负恶霸的恶霸。那只会产生更多霸凌。
We can all be awful sometimes, but we can all also be awesome. It's time to be more awesome. And that's what it's time for. 我们有时候都可能很坏,但我们也都可以很棒。是时候变得更棒了。现在就该那样做。
History! We gotta study it so we don't repeat it. 历史!我们得读历史,这样才不会重蹈覆辙。
But if history does repeat itself, then I'm gonna name my pet dinosaur Reginald. I just hope he doesn't eat me. 不过如果历史真的会重来,那我要叫我的宠物恐龙「瑞吉纳德」。我只希望他不会吃了我。
We can't just study history—we gotta make history! And history's made by ordinary people, ordinary people like you and me...and that guy. 我们不能光读历史--我们还要创造历史!历史是普通人创造出来的,像你和我...还有那家伙那样的普通人。
The world's greatest thinkers, Confucius, Albert Einstein, Justin Timberlake, they put their pants on one leg at a time just like me. 世界上最伟大的思想家们,孔子、爱因斯坦、大贾斯汀,他们穿裤子也和我一样一次只会套一只脚进去。
But I put my pants on one leg at a time while I'm dancing. 不过我穿裤子的时候是边跳舞边伸一只脚进去。
You can go by. Yeah. You're gonna be in the video, though. 你可以过去。嗯。不过你就入镜了。
Life is school, and you gotta show up. You can't just sleep in, you can't be late, and you can't just hang out in the bathroom—that's gross. 生活就是学校,而你必须出席。你不能睡过头、你不能迟到,而且你不能只在厕所里鬼混--那样很恶。
It's like Walt Whitman said, "Yolo!" except he didn't say that. But you would know that if you would read a book, people! 就像华特惠特曼说的:「你只会活一次!」只不过他没说那句话。不过大家,如果你有读书的话就会知道了!
Seriously, read a book! Any book! Except the vampire ones. You wanna change the world? You gotta know about it. 讲真的,看一本书吧!什么书都好!只要不是吸血鬼那系列。你想改变世界吗?那你得了解这世界。
What if Shakespeare didn't go to school? His plays would be even more confusing! 要是莎士比亚没上学的话会怎样?他写的剧会更难懂!
To be or not to be... Is that the question? I don't know what a question is; I didn't go to school. Anybody? Help me out here? 生存或毁灭... 这就是那问题吗?我不知道什么是问题;我没上学过。来人啊?帮帮我好吗?
I got a question for you: What are you teaching the world? How to be boring? How to make the world sad? No! No, you're not. 我有个问题要问你:你教导这世界什么呢?怎么变无聊?怎么让这世界哭哭?不!不,你才不是呢。
We're teaching the world what it looks like to be awesome. No matter who you are, somebody's learning from you. 我们在教这世界怎样是杰出。无论你是谁,都有人在向你学习。
Everybody's a teacher, and everybody's a student. Look for the awesome! 人人都是老师,人人都是学生。寻找好的那面!
Teachers see things. They see when you're running down the hall, they see when you're passing notes, 老师们看见很多事。他们看见你在走廊奔跑、他们看见你传纸条,
but they also see the person that we can all become someday—a writer or a speaker or a Martin Luther King. 不过他们也看见我们有天都可能成为的那个人--作家或演说家,或是金恩博士。
Teachers keep teaching; students keep studenting—that's not a word. Sorry about that. Here's to teachers that see the awesome. 老师们不断教导;学生们不断学生--没有那个字。拍谢。敬看见美好的老师们。
The homework is this: What you wanna teach the world? Do it. 回家作业如下:你想教这世界什么呢?行动吧。
And let's make some history together, because it's simple math—together we're louder. 让我们一同创造历史,因为这是很简单的数学--我们加在一起,声音会更有力。
Those girls are a little too loud. 那些女生有点太大声了。
Is there a teacher inspires you? Let them know. This is for teachers everywhere, so share it with them. 有没有哪位激发你的老师呢?让他们知道。这部影片是献给世界各地的老师们,所以和他们分享吧。
We gotta make the world awesome! Somebody's learning from you. I'm out. 我们一定要让世界变超棒!有人在向你看齐喔。我闪人囉。
Get your learn on! We're making history. I'm gone! Awesome. 开始学习!我们在创造历史。我走啦!好极了。
Keep learning, people. 大家要不断学习喔。