陨落星辰第一季 第128期:汤姆被囚禁(在线收听

 Might as well give it a rest, professor. You're not going anywhere. 教授,你还是休息一下为好。你哪里也去不了

Captain Weaver's completely lost it.  韦弗上尉完全失控了
He's become a threat to the entire 2nd Mass. That doesn't scare you? 他会威胁到整个第二团。这都没吓到你
Commanding officer gives you an order, you obey.  指挥官下达命令,你就遵守
10th Mountain Division? Did you see any combat? 第十山地师。你目睹过战争吗
Iraq, Afghanistan -- damn straight.  伊战,阿富汗战争,我都参加了
Okay, so have I.  我也是
So has every other person in this regiment, both fighters and civilians. 团里的其他人也是,不管是平民还是战士
I had you pegged the first time I saw you.  第一眼看到你我就印象深刻
Big thinker, always knows best.  军师总是最了解情况的
See, we had a lieutenant like you in our outfit.  我们队伍里有位像你一样的中尉
He got four of our boys killed while he was just weighing his options. 正因为他权衡选择,导致四个孩子被杀
You honestly believe that he's fit to lead this mission?!  你真的相信他适合领导这次任务
Even at half-mast, I trust the Captain a hell of a lot more than I trust you. 即使他身心疲惫,比起你来,我还是更相信他
Pope, front and center.  珀普,出列
So, what is it?  又什么事
"Sir, yes, sir"? "Aye, aye, skipper"? "遵命,长官"  "是,队长"
Cut the crap. Where do we stand with the IED?  废话少说,简单易爆炸装置何时能做好
I'll have you all wired up by manana. Don't fret it.  明天就能接上线,别急
There's been a change of plan. I need four bombs.  计划有变,我要四枚炸弹
Can you do that?  你能做出来吧
I got the ingredients and enough barrels, but you split that blasting fuse four ways, 我有足够的原料和炮筒,但是如果将导火线切成了四段
and you're gonna have what you call a very short interval between lighting it and, uh... boom. 在点火和爆炸之间,只有你所谓的极短时间
But, yeah. I thought we were just taking out one leg of that thing. 但没问题。我以为我们只要炸掉那东西的一条腿
If you want to get along with me, Pope, don't think.  珀普,如果你想继续混下去,别想了
Just do what I tell you.  照我说的做
All right.  好的
What did he want?  他想要什么
Weaver? A little of this, a little of that. 韦弗?一会儿这样,一会儿那样