陨落星辰第一季 第154期:汤姆被外星人带走(在线收听

 Good shot. I think we got their attention. 枪法真准。看来成功引起它们注意了

You think this thing will run?  这个东西还能用吗
We can try.  我们试试吧
When we get to the staging area, if any of the teams survived, maybe they will be there. 当我们到达集结待命区,如果有队伍存活的话,他们大概也会在那
Whoa. What the hell?  怎么回事
No, no, no, no, no. Wait. It's Karen. 别别,等等。是凯伦
Karen? Did they send you to find us? 凯伦。是它们要你来找我们吗
Tom? That's right. 汤姆。是我
They brought me here because they don't understand.  它们派我过来,是因为它们无法理解
Who doesn't?  谁无法理解
They didn't expect... resistance on this level.  它们没想到反抗会这么激烈
They find that interesting... and want to talk. 它们觉得很有趣,所以想谈谈
Interesting? You thought this was gonna be easy! 有趣?你以为会轻易放过你们吗
Superior forces, superior weapons!  精锐部队,高端武器
You murdered millions of people! You steal our children! 你们杀了几百万人类,偷走我们的孩子
And now you want to negotiate?! What the hell do you want from us?! 现在你们倒想谈判了?你们到底想从我们这得到什么
I don't give a damn what it wants. I'm gonna blow this one straight to hell. 我一点都不在乎它们想要什么。我只想一枪打死它
Don't. After all the people they killed?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't. 别。在你们杀了这么多人之后,怎么说服我不杀你们
Because of Ben.  因为本
Ben? What about ben?  本,他怎么
The harness... is a process. And Ben isn't free from it. 脊甲化是一个过程。本从来没有完全摆脱它
They'll call him back... unless you go with them.  它们可以召他回来...除非你跟它们走
It's a lie, Tom. You don't want to do this.  这是假的,汤姆,你千万别答应
No, I don't. But that patch of skin on his back, and the way he hears that signal. 对,我不想。但是他背上的那块疤,还有他能听到它们的信号
They still got a hold over him.  它们还控制着他
Tom, I know how much Ben means to you, but you can't trust them. 汤姆,我了解本对你有多重要,但是你不能相信它们
They can force you. But they don't want that. Tom. 它们其实可以强迫你,但是它们不想这么做。汤姆
I can't let them take Ben back.  我不能让它们把本抓回去
Tom? Tom? Tom? 汤姆?汤姆?汤姆