生活大爆炸 第五季:第2集 佩妮的免费沙发(下)(在线收听

 So, here we are.Back in bed together. 好了 我们一起回房上床了

Yep, here we are. 是的  一起上床了
Okay, so I-I guess I'll just jump right in. 好了  那我来直入主题吧
All right. 好的
Uh, you're a naughty girl. 呃  你是个淘气的坏女孩
And-And, uh, I-I want to punish you with my love? 我  我  要  要用爱来鞭挞你
What? 搞毛啊
Not good? 不好吗
That's terrible. Try again. 太可怕了  再来
Okay.Uh, uh, you're... not naughty.Uh, you're-you're-you're dirty. 好的 你...你一点都不淘气 你  你是下流
You're...You're a-a dirty girl? 你是...你是下流的坏女孩
Oh, yes.Yes, I am. 对 对  下流之极
Yeah, yeah. Uh, okay.You're a, you're a...You're a-a dirty...disgusting...revolting girl. 好好  我摸懂门道了 你  你是个...你是一个  一个下流 淫秽 叛逆的女孩
God, Leonard, stop talking. 天啊  莱纳德  求你闭嘴吧
Why don't you just give me five minutes?I'll Google how to do this. I'll call you right back. 不然等我五分钟先 我谷歌一下流程  马上打回给你
Shh-shh-shh. Just be quiet and do what I tell you. 嘘嘘嘘  你闭嘴听我命令行事
Okay, like usual. Good. 好吧  一如既往  真好
Take off your shirt. 脱掉上衣
All rightie. Shirt coming off.Ta-da! Man nipples. 好的  脱掉我的小上衣 哇啦  男士小咪咪哦
I said be quiet.Yes, ma'am. 我说了闭嘴 是  长官
Now take off your shorts. 现在脱掉你的短裤
Taking shorts off. 小裤衩  脱掉
There we go.Naked, naked, naked! 好了 赤裸裸  光溜溜  滑嫩嫩
Wonderful.Now I'll take off my clothes. 好极了 现在轮到我脱了
Cool.Oh ooh... 酷 哦……
Here I am, baby.You miss these? 你看  宝贝 你想它们了吗
Oh, damn it! 靠  见鬼
Oh, Leonard! Already?! 哦  莱纳德  这就缴械了?!
No, no! No-no-no! 不  不  不是这样的
The screen froze. 我屏幕不动了
Fine. 好吧
So, how are your mom and dad? 你父母还好吗
Yeah, I really don't want to talk about my parents now. 我现在真的不想谈论我父母
Yeah. Sure, sure. 好的  当然当然
If your video broke try resetting the TCP/IP stack. 如果你的视频界面崩溃了试着重新设置下TCP/IP堆栈
Oh...I didn't even think of that. Thanks. 我怎么没想到  谢了
You're welcome. Please let me know when you and your girlfriend are done hogging the bandwidth for your self-abuse.I'm trying to stream a movie on Netflix in here. 不客气  但请一定通知一声 等你和你的女友 不再占着带宽撸管我打算要在Netflix上看部电影呢(Netflix:世界上最大的在线影片租赁提供商)
Five, six, seven, eight. 五  六  七  八
Tall and tan and young and lovely  高挑  黝黑  年轻  可爱
The girl from Ipanema goes walking 来自依帕内玛的女孩翩翩而来
And when she passes, each one she passes goes...  当她走过时  每个遇见的人都...
Amy? Amy? Amy? 艾米  艾米  艾米
Oh...  哦...
You are aware that your ritualistic knocking behavior is symptomatic of obsessive-compulsive disorder. 你应该注意到你习惯的敲门行为 是一种强迫症紊乱的表象
Is not.Is not, is not. 这不是 不是  不是
Denial. Denial, denial. Come in. 抵赖抵赖你就抵赖吧  请进
Thank you. 谢谢
Would you like to hear me play a bossa nova standard on the harp? 你想听我用竖琴弹奏波萨诺伐舞曲吗
No. 不想
How about the theme song to the classic television show Diff'rent Strokes? 要不然我换首 经典电视剧《Diff'rent冲程》的主题曲吧
Now the world don't move to the beat... 如今的世界已经不再跟着节奏走... 
No. 不想
Well, that's every song I know. What's up? 好吧  我就会这么几首了  什么事
You're good friends with Penny, right? 你和佩妮是好朋友对吧
Best friends, besties,BFFs, peas in a pod,sisters who would share traveling pants.Go on. 好朋友  闺蜜 永远的好友  亲如同胞姐妹 亲得可以穿一条裤子 你继续
I was hoping she might listen to you about the dangers of owning unhygienic furniture. 我是希望她可以听听你的意见 知道把不干净家具带回家的危险
For general educational purposes,or has she acquired a bar stool dipped in cholera? 你这是作为一般教育用途 还是她顺了个浸在霍乱病毒中的酒吧凳回来
Cholera is water-borne.You're mocking me. Yes, I am. 霍乱是饮水传染的 你这是在嘲笑我  没错
Penny has dragged a chair in off the street whose unknown provenance jeopardizes the health and welfare of every resident in our building. 佩妮从大街上拿回了个椅子 这种出处不详的椅子  会危害我们楼里 每位住户的健康和幸福的
Sheldon, just because you have a focus on cleanliness bordering on the psychotic doesn't mean I have to participate. 谢尔顿  不能就因为你 有神经病一样的洁癖 我也得被你拉下水吧
All right, name your price. 好吧  你出个价
Kiss me where I've never been kissed before. 亲我从未被人亲过的地方
You mean like Salt Lake City? 你是说类似盐湖城的地方吗
Never mind. I'll talk to Penny. 算了  我会跟佩妮说的
Thank you. 谢谢
Will you listen to me play my harp now? 那现在听我演奏竖琴好吗
No. I dislike the sound of the harp.Its overuse in classic television sitcoms always makes me think I'm going to experience an episode from my past. 不要  我不喜欢竖琴的声音 竖琴在经典电视情景喜剧中的过度使用 每每让我觉得 我过去的噩梦又再度上演了
I'm sorry, Mommy. Don't be mad at me.Don't do that! 对不起  妈咪  别生我的气 别弹了
I don't know about this, Howard. 我不懂的  霍华德
What? You're having trouble with the long-distance lovemaking.This is your answer. 什么  你对远程做爱有障碍吗 这就是你的法宝
There are two interfaces that simulate a human mouth.You have one, Priya has one in India.When you move your lips and tongue on yours,it transmits exactly what you're doing to hers. 上面有两个端口能刺激嘴部 你这配一个  在印度的普莉娅配一个 你只要移动你的嘴唇和舌头 就能传输信号  感觉像是你真的在吻她
See? Internet kissing. 看见没  网络亲吻
Give it a try. 来试试
I don't think so. 还是算了
I'll try it. 我来试试
Like this? 像这样吗
Almost. Really get your tongue in there.to activate the motion sensor. 差不多  把你的舌头伸进去激活感应器
Like this? 像这样吗
Close. Really French it. 差不多了  要法式舌吻
Better? 好点了吗
Yeah, you got it, you got it. 对  就这样  太正点了
I'm impressed. This is very lifelike. 我震精了  这感觉太逼真了
Whoa! You just bit my tongue! 擦  你居然咬我舌头
I-I nibbled. I was being playful. 轻咬而已  我只想多点情趣
Why do you have to make everything weird? 你干嘛要把一切都搞得这么猥琐
Sorry. 抱歉
Better? 好点了吗
Oh, yeah. 正点
Pretty cool, huh?Probably would cost, like, 200 bucks in a store. 很不错哈 商店里买的话没准要两百块
I do appreciate a bargain.This entire ensemble once belonged to my dead grandmother. 是很划算 我去世的奶奶以前有一套这种家具
You're kidding.Everything except bra and panties. 不是吧 除了内衣内裤什么都分享了
And they're a leopard-spotted secret I share with Victoria. 这可是我和维多利亚之间的独家小秘密哟(维多利亚的秘密  内衣品牌)
And now me. 而现在是和我了
I just have one question about the chair. 对这沙发椅我只有一个问题
And what's that? 什么
Aren't you worried about it being unhygienic? 你就不担心这个不卫生吗
No, it's completely fine... 不  完全没有...
Hmm. I get it.Sheldon sent you.He put you up to this. 我懂了 是谢尔顿 是他让你来找我
No, he didn't. Really?Yes, he did. He absolutely did. 不,他没有。真的吗? 是的  他有  就是他
My God, Amy, that's really crappy of you. 天啊  艾米  你太不够朋友了
It is? 真的吗
Yeah! Letting Sheldon use you to manipulate me?I thought you were my friend. 当然  你让谢尔顿利用你来操控我 我还以为我们是朋友
No, I am your friend. Please don't be mad at me. 不  我们是朋友  请别生我气
I can't even believe this.You know, maybe you should just go. 我简直难以置信 你最好还是走吧
No! No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.I take it all back! 不  对不起  真的很对不起 我把刚才的话都收回
Look! I'm, uh, I'm sitting in your chair.There's nothing wrong with it.Please let me continue to be part of your world. 看  我坐在你的沙发椅上 完全没问题 求你别把我踢出你的生活
Something in the chair's biting my tushy.It's not important. Ow! 椅子里有什么东西在咬我的臀部 但这无所谓
Wait. Get up, get up! 快站起来
Ah...Swear you won't tell Sheldon what happened! 发誓你不会把这事告诉谢尔顿
I swear! 我发誓
Can I tell my doctor? I'm probably gonna need shots! 我能告诉我医生吗  我觉得我得去打针
Yeah, sure! 当然可以
Oh, hey, babe, I think I figured this thing out. 宝贝儿  我觉得我已经懂了
Oh, Leonard, listen... 莱纳德  先听我说
No, you listen!You're my woman,and I'm gonna make you feel things you have never felt before. 不  你给我听好 你是我的妞 我要给你前所未有的快感
Leonard... 莱纳德
That's right, say my name...and beg me for more, 'cause...I'm gonna give it to you. 就是这样  用力叫出我的名字 求我  求我再快点 我会努力让你达到巅峰
My parents are here. 我父母在旁边
Hello, Leonard...if I may also say your name. 你好  莱纳德 我也能咬牙切齿用力喊你的名字吗
Check it out. Free chair. 看呀  从天而降的沙发椅
Yeah. 可不是
Hey, you know, if this was in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment,I wouldn't wind up sitting on the floor all the time. 要是谢尔顿和莱纳德的公寓里有个沙发椅 我就不用老是坐在地板上了
On three? 来吗
Three!  Three! 一二三  抬
What kind of idiot throws away 哪个二货舍得扔掉这么好的沙发椅哟