美国小学英语教材4:第163课 年轻武士 西格德(9)(在线收听

 "Then come with me, Sigurd, and I will give you the sword." “跟我来,西格德,我把剑给你。”

Taking the weapon from the chest in which it lay, she handed it to the eager boy. 母亲从放武器的箱子里拿出来递给了西格德。
When Sigurd saw the sword, he cried out in joy, "Oh, well have you kept it, Mother! Now these pieces shall be welded together, and my father's sword will be mine!" 西格德看到这把剑时高兴地大叫:“哦,母亲,你保存得很好!现在这些碎片将被焊接在一起,父亲的剑将是我的!”
So once more Sigurd went down to the smithy. 于是西格德又一次来到铁匠铺。
"This is the sword which I shall carry with me, Regin," he said. "Mend it for me, as you promised." 说道:“这是我要随身携带的剑,按你说的给我修一修吧,雷金。”
Regin took the pieces of the sword and went into the smithy. When he had welded them together, he gave the weapon to the boy, saying,  "This sword will never fail you." 雷金拿起剑片走进铁匠铺,雷金把碎片焊接在一起,把剑给了男孩,说道:“这把剑不会让你失望的。”
Sigurd took the sword in his hand, and lifting it high in the air, brought it down upon the anvil with all his strength. 西格德手里拿着剑,高高地举在空中,用尽全身的力气举到铁砧。
The sword cut through the anvil and did not break. 剑刺穿铁砧,没有折断。
Then Sigurd laughed aloud in his joy, for he knew that he had the strongest sword in the world. 这时西格德高兴得大笑起来,因为他知道自己有世界上最坚韧的剑。
The next day Sigurd went to King Alf and told him that he was about to start on a journey. 第二天,西格尔德去拜见阿尔夫国王,告诉国王他要出发了。
"I go to slay a cruel dragon and to gain the treasure which he guards," said Sigurd. “我去杀死一条残忍的恶龙,拿回财产。”西格德说。
"The monster is fierce and has killed many people. No one can pass through the land in which he lives." “这个怪物很凶猛,杀死了很多人,没有人能穿过他所居住的土地。”
"Then go, Sigurd," said the king. "Do not be afraid, for you have great strength, and I know that you will win the victory." 国王说:“去吧,西格德,不要惧怕、因为你有大能、我也知道你必能得胜。”
Early in the morning Sigurd mounted his horse and set out on the road which Regin told him he must take. 一大早,西格德骑上马,踏上了雷金告诉他的必经之路。