英语PK台 第886期: 《日本海棠》无处安放的保守 无从跳脱的桎梏(在线收听

 1. As Mr. Nilson, well known in the City, opened the window of his dressing-room, he experienced a peculiar sweetish sensation in the back of his throat, and a feeling of emptiness just under his fifth rib. Hooking the window back, he noticed that a little tree in the Square Gardens had come out in blossom, and that the thermometer stood at sixty. 'Perfect morning,' he thought; 'spring at last!' 
当这座城市鼎鼎有名的尼尔森先生打开他更衣室的窗户时,一种奇怪的甜蜜感沁入他的喉咙,与此同时一种空虚的感觉侵入他的肺脾。他向后挂住窗钩,注意到广场花园里的一棵小树已花朵挂满枝头,温度计显示此时的温度为华氏60度。 “完美的早晨,”他想,“春天终于到了!”
2. He took up an ivory-backed hand-glass and scrutinised his face. His firm, well-coloured cheeks, with their neat brown moustaches, and his round, well-opened, clear grey eyes, wore a reassuring appearance of good health. Putting on his coat, he went downstairs. Arrived, Mr. Nilson again became aware of that queer feeling. A cuckoo clock struck eight.
3. 'Half an hour to breakfast,' he thought; 'I'll take a turn in the Gardens.' He proceeded to pace the circular path with his morning paper clasped behind him. He had scarcely made two rounds, however, when he realized that, instead of going away in the fresh air, the feeling had increased.  
4. He drew several deep breaths, having heard deep breathing recommended by his wife's doctor; but they augmented rather than diminished the sensation. Running over what he had eaten the night before, he could recollect no unusual dish, and it occurred to him that it might possibly be some smell affecting him. But he could detect nothing except a faint sweet lemony scent, which evidently emanated from the bushes budding in the sunshine. He was on the point of resuming his promenade, when a blackbird close by burst into song, and, looking up, Mr. Nilson saw at a distance of perhaps five yards a little tree, in the heart of whose branches the bird was perched.  
5. He stood staring curiously at this tree, recognising it for that which he had noticed from his window. It was covered with young blossoms, pink and white, and little bright green leaves; and on all this blossom and these leaves the sunlight glistened. Mr. Nilson smiled; the little tree was so alive and pretty! And instead of passing on, he stayed there smiling at the tree.
6. 'Morning like this!' he thought; 'and here I am the only person in the Square who has the--to come out and--!' But he had no sooner conceived this thought than he saw quite near him a man with his hands behind him, who was also staring up and smiling at the little tree. Rather taken aback, Mr. Nilson ceased to smile, and looked furtively at the stranger. 

7. It was his next-door neighbour, Mr. Tandram, well known in the City, who had occupied the adjoining house for some five years. Mr. Nilson perceived at once the awkwardness of his position, for they had not yet had occasion to speak to one another. Doubtful, he decided at last to murmur: "Fine morning!" and was passing on, when Mr. Tandram answered: "Beautiful, for the time of year!"  
这个人是他隔壁的邻居坦德拉姆先生,也是本市的知名人物,已经住在尼尔森先生家隔壁大约五年了。尼尔森先生立刻意识了这是一个尬尴的局面,因为他们俩还从来没有相互交谈过。迟疑了一会儿,他最终还是低声说到:“早晨的天气不错!” 。当他说完准备继续散步时,坦德拉姆先生回答说:“一年里的这个时候是最美的!”
8. Detecting a slight nervousness in his neighbour's voice, Mr. Nilson was emboldened to regard him openly. He was of about Mr. Nilson's own height, with firm well-coloured cheeks, neat brown moustaches, and round, well-opened, clear grey eyes. Mr. Nilson noticed that he had his morning paper clasped behind him as he looked up at the little tree. And, visited somehow by the feeling that he had been caught out, he said abruptly: 
9. "Er--can you give me the name of that tree?" Mr. Tandram answered: "I was about to ask you that," and stepped towards it. Mr. Nilson also approached the tree. "Sure to have its name on, I should think," he said. Mr. Tandram was the first to see the little label, close to where the blackbird had been sitting. He read it out. "Japanese quince!" "Ah!" said Mr. Nilson, "thought so. Early flowerers." "Very," assented Mr. Tandram, and added: "Quite a feelin' in the air today." Mr. Nilson nodded. "It was a blackbird singin'," he said. 
“呃……您知道这树叫什么名字吗?”坦德拉姆先生回答说:“我也正打算问您呢,”,说完朝着那棵树的方向挪了挪脚步。尼尔森先生也朝着树的方向走了走。 “树上肯定有名称标签,我觉得,”他说。坦德拉姆先生先看到了标签,就在那只乌鸫站立的位置附近。他读出了标签上的名称 ——“日本海棠!” “啊!”尼尔森先生说,“我应该想到的。是一种开花期很早的植物。” “确实如此,”坦德拉姆先生表示赞同,然后补充说:“今天的空气中很有感觉。”尼尔森先生点了点头。“这是乌鸫在唱歌,”他说。
10. "These exotics, they don't bear fruit. Pretty blossom!" he continued and he again glanced up at the blossom, thinking: 'Nice fellow, this, I rather like him.' Mr. Tandram also gazed at the blossom. And the little tree as if appreciating their attention, quivered and glowed. From a distance the blackbird gave a loud, clear call. Mr. Nilson dropped his eyes. It struck him suddenly that Mr. Tandram looked a little foolish; and, as if he had seen himself, he said: "I must be going in. Good morning!" 
11. A shade passed over Mr. Tandram's face, as if he, too, had suddenly noticed something about Mr. Nilson. "Good morning," he replied, and clasping their journals to their backs they separated. Mr. Nilson retraced his steps toward his garden window, walking slowly so as to avoid arriving at the same time as his neighbour. Having seen Mr. Tandram mount his scrolled iron steps, he ascended his own in turn. On the top step he paused.
12. With the slanting spring sunlight darting and quivering into it, the Japanese quince seemed more living than a tree. The blackbird had returned to it, and was chanting out his heart. Mr. Nilson sighed; again he felt that queer sensation, that choky feeling in his throat. The sound of a cough or sigh attracted his attention. There, in the shadow of his French window, stood Mr. Tandram, also looking forth across the Gardens at the little quince tree. 
Unaccountably upset, Mr. Nilson turned abruptly into the house, and opened his morning paper.
