生活大爆炸第八季 第6期:谈论旅程(在线收听

 I'm sorry, so you never went outside? 那你从来没到外面玩过吗?

Or had a single piece of fruit. 也没吃过一片水果。
So...why do you think you'd make a good pharmaceutical sales rep? 所以你觉得自己为什么能够胜任医药销售代表的工作呢?
Well, I'm a people person. People like me. 我是个善于交际的人。人见人爱。
Some of my favorite people are people. 我喜欢的人里好多都是人。
I feel like I'm saying "people" a lot. People, people, people, pe...Okay, I'm done. 我好像提太多"人"这个字了。人...人类,人民,人...好我说完了。
You sure? 你确定吗?
People. Yes. 人人。说完了。
Good! So, how do you feel your previous job experience has prepared you for a career like this? 好吧!你觉得你上一份工作对这个销售职业有何帮助呢?
Uh, well, as a waitress, sales was a big part of my job. 作为服务员,我的工作很大一部分就是推销。
I mean, believe me, I convinced a lot of very large customers, who should not be eating cheesecake, to have more cheesecake. 相信我,我说服了很多不该吃芝士蛋糕的胖子顾客狂吃我们的芝士蛋糕。
I mean, one of those chubsters even had an insulin pump! 而且其中某个胖胖还带着胰岛素泵呢!
I have an insulin pump. 我也有胰岛素泵。
People. 人嘛。
It's weird, right? 感觉很怪吧?
A grown man in his 30s living with my mother. 30多岁的成年人还跟我妈住在一起。
That is weird. 的确很奇怪。
I thought he was, like, 45. 我以为他都45岁了。
Come on, you don't think it's a little odd? 拜托,你难道不觉得这很奇怪吗?
I don't know! I mean, she's lonely. 我不知道!她那么孤单。
He needs a place to stay. 他又需要地方住。
I doubt there's any funny business going on. 我想他们之间肯定没什么。
And even if there was, who cares? 就算有,那又怎样?
They're both adults. 他们都是成年人了。
"Who cares"? ! You wouldn't care if I slept with your mom? "那又怎样"?!要是我和你妈睡了,你也不会觉得怎么样吗?
You know what? You're my best friend, and she's in a bad marriage. 知道吗?你是我的好基友,我妈婚姻不幸福。
I give you my blessing. 我祝福你们。
This is stupid. 这样做太傻了。
I'm just gonna call my mother and be honest with her. 我还是打电话给我妈,告诉她实话。
'Cause that's what little matzo balls do. 这才是宝贝小汤丸该做的事。
This is Debbie! And this is Stuart! Just kidding! Leave a message! 我是黛比!我是斯图尔特!开玩笑啦!给我们留言哦!
This is the part where you talk. 该轮到你说话了。
All right, let's say a physician was prescribing one of our competitor's drugs. 假设有个医生本来开的是我们竞争对手的药。
How would you convince them to switch to ours? 你要如何说服他转用我们的药呢?