生活大爆炸第八季 第9期:周游全国(在线收听

 I never thought I'd say this, but Penny got a job today. 我没想过我会这样说,但佩妮今天找到工作了。

She did? 是吗?
Well, the only reason she got it is 'cause the guy who interviewed her loves me. 她成功的唯一原因是因为面试她的人爱慕我。
What do you want? 你想怎样?
I, uh, kind of got the feeling you might not be okay with me staying at your mom's. 我大概感觉到你对我住在你妈家有意见。
You're right, I'm not. 你说得对,我有意见。
I think it's weird. 我觉得很奇怪。
Howie? It is. He's a grown man. 华仔?本来就是。他是个成年男人。
He's just gonna live there rentfree? 他就这样不交房租住下去吗?
How is that gonna motivate him to get off his butt and get a job? 这样如何让他有动力不再懒惰去找工作?
I mean, do you even have a plan? 你有人生计划吗?
Hey, you're not my father, okay? 你又不是我爹,你管我?
And besides, your mother and I were talking..."Your mother and I"? You're not my father! 而且,你妈和我谈过了..."你妈和我"?你又不是我爹!
I didn't say I was your father!  Well, I didn't say " I was your father!" 我没说我是你爹!我也没说"我是你爹!"
Okay, calm down. You're not his father, he's not your father! Nobody's anybody's father. 好啦,冷静。你不是他爹,他不是你爹!谁也不是谁的爹。
II'm sorry you don't like my life choices, but it's my life! 你看不惯我的人生选择我很遗憾,但这是我的人生!
Well, it's my house, it's my rules! 住我的房,就得守我的规矩!
Okay, Dad! If I mow the lawn, can I have my allowance? 好吧,爹!如果我修剪了草坪,可以给我零花钱吗?
Hey, don't you take that sarcastic tone with him! 不准用这种挖苦的语气和他说话!
I don't have to listen to you! 我不用听你教训我!
Don't talk to her like that! 别这样跟她说话!
That is my mother...Wife! My wife! I said my wife! 这是我老妈...老婆!老婆!我说的是老婆!
You know what? This isn't getting us anywhere. 算了?这样谈不会有结果的。
When you're ready to apologize, you know where to find me. 你准备好道歉时,知道在哪里找我。
Well, yeah, in my house! 知道,我的家!
That's right, sucka! 没错,小婊砸!
I wish I'd never gone on that trip. 要是我没去旅行就好了。
I feel no better now than when I left. 现在比起离开时,心情一点也没好转。
But you still accomplished something. 但你还是有所成就的。
Yeah. If you had told anyone that you were going away on a train by yourself across the country, do you know what they would have said? 是的。如果你告诉任何人你打算坐火车周游全国,你知道人家会怎么说吗?
That I couldn't do it?  Exactly. 我做不到吗?太对了。
Right after they said, "Yay!" 不过他们先会欢呼一下!
But you did do it. 但你做到了。
So what if it didn't all go your way? 事情没有完全如你所愿又如何?
That's what makes it an adventure. 这样才是冒险啊。
That's a good point. 有道理。
Yeah, I'm a lot like Gandalf the Grey. 我很像灰袍甘道夫。
He fought the Balrog and emerged stronger than ever as Gandalf the White. 他与炎魔战斗成为了更强大的白袍甘道夫。
I was robbed of my phone and pants, and I, too, came back stronger. 我的电话和裤子被抢了,我回来时变得更强大了。