生活大爆炸第八季 第11期:滥用科学(在线收听

 I recently read that during World War Two, Joseph Stalin had a research program to create supersoldiers by having women impregnated by gorillas. 我最近读到在二战期间约瑟夫·斯大林曾有一项研究计划为了制造超级士兵要让女人怀上大猩猩的孩子。

What a sick use of science. 太变态的滥用科学了。
Hey, as long as the baby's healthy. 只要孩子健康就没事啦。
I wonder if Stalin considered any other animals. 不知道斯大林有没想过使用其他动物。
Hippos are the deadliest creature. 河马是杀伤性最高的动物。
A half-human, half-hippo soldier would be pretty badass. 半人半河马应该会是狠角色吧。
Yes, but when they're hungry-hungry, you can stop them with marbles. 但当它们饿饿的时候,一种4名玩家控制河马头,抢吃弹珠的桌游,你用弹珠就能阻止它们了。
Yeah, the correct animal for interspecies supersolider is koala. 是的,制造跨族超级士兵的最佳选择是考拉。
You would wind up with an army so cute it couldn't be attacked. 你可以做出一个超可爱,让人无法下手的军队。
But half-man, half-owl could fly...-The answer is cuddly soldiers with big flat noses. Moving on. 但半人半猫头鹰可以飞...-正解就是让人想抱的大扁鼻子士兵。下个话题。
So, Penny, when's the new job start? 佩妮,新工作什么时候开始?
Next Monday. 下周一。
Did you get a chance to look over the materials I gave you? 你找时间看了我给你的材料了吗?
Uh, not yet, but I will. 还没,但我会看的。
Great. When? 很好。什么时候?
I said I'll get to it. 我说了我会去看。
I'm sensing awkwardness, am I right? -Yes. -Swish. 我好像感觉到场面有些尴尬,是吧?-是的。-厉害。
I don't want to be pushy, but you've never done pharmaceutical sales before. 我不想一直逼你,但你之前从未接触过医药销售。
It seems like you could use this time to get a head start. 你可以用这段时间领先其他人啊。
Well, the first few weeks will be all training. 前几周都是在培训。
They'll tell me everything I need to know. 他们会教我一切需要了解的信息。
But imagine how impressed they'd be if you showed up already familiar with the material. 但你想象一下,你去的时候已经对材料很熟,他们肯定会对你刮目相看。
Okay, so what, you want me to be like a teacher's pet? 所以是怎样,你想让我当老师的小马屁精吗?
Couldn't hurt. 又没坏处。
Mm, I don't know. 不知道啊。
Who here has ever been hurt because they were the teacher's pet? 在座这里有谁因为当老师的马屁精被欺负过?
It was like the rest of the class wanted Ms. McDonald to forget the quiz. 感觉就像班上其他同学想要老师忘了有考试。