生活大爆炸第八季 第13期:服务员(在线收听

 How come? 为什么?

Well, ever since she helped me get this job, she won't stop bugging me. 自从她介绍了我这份工作她就一直不停地烦我。
Well, I think she just wants you to do well, and she's worried that you won't 'cause you were just a stunningly poor waitress. 她只想你能做好这份工作,而且她也担心你会失败吧。因为你真是个超烂的服务员。
That is not true. 才不是呢。
I'm still waiting on my mini corndogs from two years ago. 我到现在都还在等两年前跟你点的玉米热狗呢。
I told you, they'll be right out. 我跟你说了,很快会给你上。
Okay, so no Bernadette. 好吧,没有伯纳黛特。
Well, you saw her the other night. Am I wrong? 那晚你也看见她那个样子啦。难道是我错吗?
No, I just...I feel kind of uncomfortable talking about her like this. 没有啊,我只是...我觉得这样说她有点不好。
Usually when someone's being talked about behind their back, it's me and it's right in front of my face. 通常有人在背后说其他人坏话时都是说我的坏话,而且还当着我的面说。
II'm sorry. I just need a little break from her. 抱歉,我只是想躲开她一阵子。
I understand. 我懂。
You know, there is some research that indicates that sharing negative attitudes about a third party can be a powerful bonding force between two friends. 你知道吗,有些研究显示分享对第三方的负面看法能够加深两个朋友之间的友谊吗。
So, what are you saying? 所以你是什么意思?
I'm saying, in the spirit of science, what is that little skank's problem? 我的意思是,为了科学,那个小婊砸到底有啥好不满的?
So, I've been trying to come up with a cute couple's nickname for me and Emily. 我一直想给我和艾米丽取一个可爱的情侣昵称。
What do you like better? Emippali...or Koothrapemily? 你觉得哪一个好?艾米帕里还是库萨帕米丽?
Why is it your last name and her first name? 为什么一定是你的姓和她的名的组合?
Oh, well, her last name is Sweeney, and something just didn't seem right about Koothrapeeney. 她姓斯威尼,库萨帕威尼听起来不大对劲儿。
Hey, how'd it go with human resources? 跟人力资源部谈得怎么样了?
Awful. 很糟糕。
Yeah, they're allowing me to move on from string theory, but they made me a junior professor and are requiring me to teach a class. 虽然他们同意让我研究其他理论,但是他们升我当初级教授还让我去上课。
I don't understand. Why is it bad that you have to teach? 我不明白了。上课有什么不好?
What a stupid question. 愚蠢的问题。
The kids are gonna love him. 学生们绝对会"喜欢"他。
I can't believe I have to waste my time babysitting a bunch of grad students who probably think dark matter is what's in their diapers. 我不敢相信我得浪费我的时间照顾一群研究生,他们可能觉得暗物质就是尿片里的屎尿。
This might not be that bad. 没那么糟糕。
Uh, you like telling people they're wrong. 你喜欢指出别人的错误。
Wrong! Just because I enjoyed that one doesn't mean I always do. 错!我喜欢这么做,并不代表我会想整天这么做。