生活大爆炸第八季 第27期:恋爱史(在线收听

 Well, I would never leave you off my list, and not just because, without you, we're playing fast and loose with the word "list". 我不会把你在我的恋爱史上排除掉的。而且因为 没有你的话,我的恋爱好像就没有"史"了。

Well, good job. Now she hates me. 干得漂亮。现在她讨厌我了。
Great. 这下好了。
On the bright side, that Oxford study was right. One friend down. I wonder who you're going to lose next. 至少,牛津大学的研究是对的。你已经少了一个朋友了。真想知道下一个会是谁。
You, okay? It's you. You're...you're next! 是你,行了吧?就是你了。你就是...你就是下一个了!
No. You're crazy about me. 才不会呢,你那么喜欢我。
I don't know what Emily's so upset about anyway. Even if I had slept with him, so what? Everyone has a past. Almost everyone has a past. 真不明白Emily为什么这么在意这件事。就算我和他上过床,那又怎样?每个人都有过去啊。大多数人都有过去。
Come on, look how pretty you are. I'm sure this isn't the first girl to hate you. 别这样,你这么漂亮。她肯定不是第一个讨厌你的女孩。
It's not. 确实不是。
And I'm sure you can turn it around. 你肯定能改变这种状况的。
How? You can't force someone to like you. 怎么改变啊?你总不能逼着别人喜欢你吧。
What if you just hang around and act like her friend until you wear her down?  不如这样,你就假装是她朋友一样和她玩,直到你的耐心打动她。
I mean, next thing you know, you're in her home, you're eating her food, drinking her wine. 不知不觉的,你就可以去她家里,吃她的东西喝她的酒了。
No, that won't work. 不行,不靠谱。
You're right. Cheers. 说得对,干杯。
Oh, I know. Why don't you use your sales training to go back down there and sell yourself? 我知道了。何不试试用你学过的销售知识回去推销你自己呢?
What? 什么?
Yeah. But instead of selling a drug, you'd be selling Penny...it's cute. 没错。只不过这次卖的不是药,而是Penny... 多可爱啊。
It's stupid. 多蠢啊。
Well, maybe people would like you more if you didn't crap all over their ideas. 好吧,你要是不这样直接否定别人的意见的话,就没那么招恨了。
I'm gonna go with Penny on this one. Then again, why wouldn't I? I mean, we go way back. 我觉得Penny说得对。为什么不呢?我们这么多年的好朋友了。
Oh, my God. I didn't used to like you. 天啊,我以前根本都不喜欢你。
Shh. Amy's here now. 嘘,Amy就在你旁边呢。
You know, the more I think about it, the more intrigued I am about having our own store. 知道吗,我越来越想要真的和你们一起开一家漫画书店了。
We'll get to see all the new stuff before it hits the shelves. 那样我们就可以在新书上架之前就看到内容了。
And we'll get to have fun interactions with our customers. "This isn't a library...buy it or get out." 我们还可以开心的和顾客聊天:"这里不是图书馆... 买不买不买滚。"
You say things like that all the time. 你其实一直都说这种话的。
Yes, but as a store owner, I'll finally have a good comeback to, "You don't work here...shut up." 是啊,不过我要是店主的话,就有话可以回复:"这又不是你的地盘... 闭嘴吧。"
Uh, do you know how Penny told Raj he should have left her off his list? 呃,你知道Penny跟Raj说他不应该把她当做前任吗?
Yeah. 听说了。