生活大爆炸第八季 第30期:表白(在线收听

 And when I say "love" I meant as a friend. And, uh, way too soon, right? 我说"爱"你,是指朋友的"爱"。呃,现在表白还过早?

Okay, sit down. Listen, Emily, what happened between me and Raj was a long time ago. 好,坐下吧。听着,Emily,我和Raj之前发生的事是很久以前了。
It was, and I may have made it seem like a bigger deal than I should have. 确实,而且我曾经把这事太过当真了。
Yeah, and Leonard and I are engaged now, and I'm just hoping we can put this whole thing behind us. 没错,现在我和Leonard在谈恋爱,我只是希望我们能够一起忘掉这事。
I'd like that, too. Yeah, I thought I'd be okay with it, but then I saw how pretty you are. 我也想这样。嗯,我想我也没问题,但是当时我看到你那么漂亮。
Oh, that's so sweet. I mean, look at you, you are gorgeous. 哦,你嘴真甜。我是说,瞧瞧你,你也很美。
It's true...you're both gorgeous. Kind of says something about the man who could bed you both. 没错... 你俩都很美。是不是侧面说明能把你们俩都上了的男人多么优秀啊。
You get why I've been alone most of my adult life. 你现在明白为啥我总是单身了吧。
So, what brings you by? 什么风把你俩吹来了?
Well, I don't need a reason...it's my house. 嗯,我俩来不需要理由... 这是我家。
Technically, it's your mom's house, but...we certainly want you to feel welcome. 严格意义上说,这是你妈家。但...对你的到来,我们很欢迎。
I'm always welcome. 我一直很受欢迎。
Mm, just...try and call first. 嗯... 下次来之前打个招呼。
Okay, let's get down to business.  好吧,先说正经事。
Howie was thinking about putting up some money to help you reopen the store, but before that happens, I have a few questions. Howie考虑给你的漫画店投资,帮助你重新开店。但在那之前我有几个问题。
I appreciate the offer, but actually your mother already gave me the money. 我很感谢你们的帮助,但是你妈已经把钱给我了。
What? 什么?
Yeah. I told her it was too much, but she said she was happy to help out her bubala. 你没听错。我还说给的太多了,但是她说他很乐意帮助她的小亲亲。
Excuse me. Ma, you are canceling that check, and Stuart is not your bubala; I'm your bubala. You can't have more than one bubala! 失陪一下。妈,你得把那支票撕了。Stuart不是你的小亲亲,我才是。你不能同时有两个小亲亲!
I don't know who he's talking to. She's at Target, buying me shirts. 我不知道他在和谁说话。他妈已经跑到超市帮我买衣服去了。
I'm so glad we could work this all out. -Yeah, me, too. 我真是很高兴你俩能和好。-我也是。
You know, we should have dinner one night with you and Leonard. 你知道吗,我们应该哪天一起共进晚餐,带上Leonard。
Oh, we would love that. 哦,那样太好了。
Great! 不错!
Okay, good night, guys. - All right, night. -Bye. 好吧。晚安。- 好。晚安。-再见。
I hate her. - I hate her. 我讨厌她。- 我讨厌她。
I'm really disappointed we're not gonna have our own comic book store. 我对不能拥有自己的漫画店感到无比失望。
I know. I was looking forward to it. 我懂。我原本很期待的。
It would've been so nice to have a place that was ours, where we could just sit and read comics in peace. 如果有我们自己的漫画店有多好,我们就可以坐下来安静地看书。
With comfy seats. 舒服的座位。
And snacks. 还有零食。
Well, I guess it was too good to be true. 也许这愿望只能想想了。
Yeah. 是啊。
Ahh... 哎...