生活大爆炸第八季 第32期:林中小屋(在线收听

 Well, maybe we have lost our focus. 也许我们分散了注意力。

It wouldn't kill us to get together and brainstorm ideas. 再聚到一起进行头脑风暴也不是件坏事。
Ooh, we could have one of those retreats. 哦,我们可以来一次静思。
Like our own science retreat. 我们独特的科学静思。
My cousin has a cabin out in the woods. 我表哥在森林里有个小木屋。
I'm not going to a cabin in the woods. Did you see the movie Cabin in the Woods? 我可不去森林里的小木屋。你没看过《林中小屋》"吗?(林中小屋:惊悚恐怖电影。讲述五个好朋友来到了密林深处的一个小木屋,可怕的事情接二连三地发生)
Then we'll go to a hotel. 那我们就去酒店。
A hotel? Did you see The Shining? 酒店?没看过《闪灵》吗?(闪灵:惊悚恐怖电影。讲述一位作家接受了一份冬天在酒店看门的工作。当主角一家住进九点后,诡异的事情接二连三地发生)
We could go up to Big Bear and get a house on the lake. 我们可以北上去大熊湖,找个湖畔小屋。
Did you see The Lake House? 你没看过《湖边小屋》?(湖边小屋:2006年浪漫电影,是韩国电影《触不到的恋人》美国重制版本)
Nothing bad happens in The Lake House. 《湖边小屋》里又没发生什么坏事。
Yeah, well, no, not to them. To me. Time traveling mailbox. The only time that traveled was an hour and half of my life down the toilet. 对他们是没坏事,对我有。什么穿越时空的信箱。对我来说穿越的就只是我穿梭进粪坑里的那一个半小时。
Fine. Then we'll just stay here and do it. 好吧,那我们就留在这里好了。
Well, you didn't suggest a beach house. 你还没提议海边小屋呢。
You would go to a beach house? 你想去海边小屋?
Well, good Lord, no...have you seen Jaws? 天啊,当然不想... 没看过《大白鲨》吗?(大白鲨:电影讲述一个海滨小镇出现一头巨大的食人大白鲨,导致多名游客命丧其口)
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state. Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started...Wait!  宇宙一度又烫又稠密。140亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool. The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools. We built the Wall We built the pyramids 地球开始降温。自养生物来起哄。穴居人发明工具。我们建长城,我们建金字塔 
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery. That all started with a big bang 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘。一切由大爆炸开始 