生活大爆炸第八季 第34期:机器人女友(在线收听

 I'm sorry. Is that a "no"? 抱歉,你是说“不看”吗?

Okay. No. Leonard's right. We're here to focus. 好吧,不看了。Leonard说得对,我们得集中精力。
Didn't we used to have a list of all our ideas? 我们以前不是有点子清单吗?
I...I think I still have it. 我好像还留着。
I did not get a clear answer. I'm gonna set this down now. 我还没听到明确答复,所以我先把光盘放下。
Ah, here it is. 找到了。
Whoa. I haven't looked at these in years. "Robot girlfriend." 哇哦。我好多年都没看过了。"机器人女友"。
Mm, that was mine. 是我的主意。
"Robot prostitute." "机器人妓女"。
Also mine. 还是我的。
Wait. I'm confused. Why would you need both a robot girlfriend and a robot prostitute? 等等,我有点奇怪。你为什么会想要机器人女友又要机器人妓女呢?
There's just some things you don't do with your robot girlfriend. 因为有些“事情”你没法跟机器人女友做。
Boy, when you met Bernadette, the field of robotics really took a hit. 兄弟,你遇到Bernadette之后,机器人研究领域受到了重创啊。
Okay, let's just skip all the inventions you can have sex with. 好吧,我们就跳过那些能"搞"的发明。
All right, no...here we go: "Ergonomic heated seat cushion" 好吧... 有了:"符合人体工程学的加热坐垫"。
No, it vibrates. Keep going. 那个会震动。接着翻。
You know, let's just come up with something new. 好吧,我们还是想些新点子吧。
You know, a number of significant innovations have been inspired by science fiction. 要知道,相当一部分的伟大创新,都是从科幻作品里找到的灵感。
The...the geosynchronous satellite from Arthur C.Clarke. 地球同步人造卫星是借鉴了Arthur C. Clarke的作品。(Arthur C. Clarke: 英国著名科幻作家。地球同步卫星轨道被命名为“克拉克轨道”)
The Motorola flip phone...that came from Star Trek. 摩托罗拉翻盖手机... 借鉴了"星际迷航"。(詹姆斯·柯克船长的通话器为第一代翻盖手机的设计提供了灵感)
Yeah, and I've long suspected that the idea of an African-American President was stolen from the movie Deep Impact. 我已经怀疑了很久,一个非洲裔美国人当总统这主意是从《天地大冲撞》里偷来的。(天地大冲撞:美国1998年的一部科幻灾难电影,片中摩根·弗里曼扮演一名黑人总统)