生活大爆炸第八季 第41期:时空怪客(在线收听

 W-We didn't vote! 我... 我们还没投票呢!

We didn't have to...that was clearly a tangent. Now come on. Back to work. If we're leaning towards quantum coupling...-Aah! Why? 我们没必要投... 刚刚显然离题了。快点,回到正事上。如果我们倾向于量子耦合...-啊!干嘛?
You said "quantum coupling." That made me think of the show Quantum Leap. That's a tangent and it's your fault. 你说了“量子耦合” 那让我想到了《时空怪客》。是你偏离了正题。(时空怪客:NBC于1989年与1993年间播映的科幻电视影集)
That's ridiculous. Sheldon, I vote that is not a tangent. 太荒谬了。Sheldon,我投票那没有离题。
Thank you. And now I owe you one. 谢谢。现在我该撕你一次了。
Ow! That was your fault. 嗷!都是你害的。
Hey! 嘿!
Ooh, that is a lot of hair. Ow! And now I'm gonna hear it from Jenny. 喔,粘掉了不少毛。嗷!于是我得听Jenny抱怨了。
Everyone stop. This was a stupid idea. Negative reinforcement isn't working. 都停下来。这真是个蠢主意,负面奖励毫无作用。
I think you mean positive punishment. Negative reinforcement is the removal of a positive stimulus. It's a common mistake. 我觉得你想说的是正效惩罚。负面奖励是指把利好刺激给移除。这是个常见错误。
Negative reinforcement is really wrong? 负面奖励这种说法真的是不对的吗?
Oh, it's used incorrectly all the time. Even Bill Murray makes that mistake in the first scene of Ghostbusters. 哦,它一直被错误地使用。连比尔·默里在拍摄《捉鬼敢死队》第一个镜头时都犯了这个错。( 比尔·默里:美国著名演员。《周六夜现场》节目创办人)
No way. Not Bill Murray. 不可能,比尔·默里不可能错。
I'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP ability. 我在研究负面奖励在超能感官上的作用。
Huh. Bill Murray did get it wrong. 啧啧。比尔·默里确实搞错了。
Jump ahead to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. -No! 快进到棉花糖人那段。-不要!
Leonard's right. We can't just jump ahead. We have to watch the whole movie. Leonard说的对。我们不能快进,我们应该把全片看一遍。
Look. We keep procrastinating. 听着。我们一直在拖延。
We saw Back to the Future II, pigeons playing ping-pong, a bunch of countries that look like genitals and one guy whose genitals look like Denmark! 我们看了《回到未来2》、鸽子们玩乒乓球、一堆形状像生殖器的国家,和一个生殖器像丹麦地图一样的人!
Yeah, sorry for clicking on that. 呃,不好意思点了那个视频。