生活大爆炸第八季 第42期:捉鬼敢死队(在线收听

 It's late. We've wasted hours. Can we please find it in ourselves to do any amount of work tonight? 不早了,我们浪费了好多时间。我们今晚就不能稍微做点什么吗?

But we didn't see them bust one ghost. 但是我们还没看到他们捉到任何一个鬼。
So y...you're saying we should stand here in my lab on a Saturday night and watch the rest of Ghostbusters on a crappy laptop? 所以你是说,大周六晚上的,我们应该站在我的实验室里,用一台破笔记本把剩下的《捉鬼敢死队》给看完?
No. 不是啊。
If there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who you gonna call?  - Ghostbusters! 如果你家附近有些奇怪的事情,你应该找谁?-捉鬼敢死队!
It really does hold up. 这倒真还不错嘛。
See? Isn't this better than a hotel room? 看?是不是比宾馆好玩多了?
Yep. Shake that thing! 是啊,把JJ甩起来!
Have you ever seen a body so fine? 你见过这么健美的身体么?
We had some pretty hot corpses in my anatomy class, but none of them moved like that! 我在解剖课上见过一些挺有型的尸体,但没有哪个像这样能动的!
Good morning. You want to go to the pool? 早上好。你们想去游泳池玩吗?
Come on...you said it yourself. Only nerds and losers stay in the room. 来嘛... 你自己说过的。只有书呆子和屌丝才宅在房间里。
Oh! Oh! Oh! 噢!噢!噢!
Wow, it's bright out. Isn't it bright? I should probably close these curtains. Nah. Bye! 哇,外面好晴朗。不是吗?我是不是该把窗帘拉上。想多了,拜拜!
Would you please close the drapes? 你能把窗帘拉上吗?
Okay. 好吧。