生活大爆炸第八季 第45期:幽默打破僵局(在线收听

 In my mind, that broke the tension with comedy and led to sex. 在我看来,这么做不仅用幽默打破了僵局,还会勾起性欲。

Hey, Sheldon, you busy? 谢尔顿,你忙吗?
I'm always busy. This mind is capable of advanced multitasking. 我一直都很忙。我的大脑能够处理复杂的多重任务。
You know, currently, I'm attempting to solve the Penrose conjecture. 最近我一直在致力于证实英国数学物理学家彭罗斯猜想。
I'm composing my Nobel acceptance speech for when I've solved the Penrose conjecture, and I'm wondering how mermaids have babies. 我还在构思我证实彭罗斯猜想后,被授予诺贝尔奖时的获奖感言。同时我还在想美人鱼怎么生孩子。
Don't they lay eggs on a rock? 她们不是把蛋产在石头上的吗?
Now I've got room for another thing. What do you want? 现在我的大脑有空位想新事情了。你有什么事?
So, I did a little research on what the conditions are like in the mines, and the guys might be right, sounds pretty rough down there. 我对矿井里的情况做了一些调查。他们可能说得对,井下情况艰苦啊。
For starters, it's very humid, and about a hundred degrees. 首先,井下很潮湿,气温在37度左右。
Well, I'm from Texas and you're from India, we're no strangers to the fragrant armpit. Next. 我来自德克萨斯州,你来自印度。我们对腋下汗味一点都不陌生。下一个。
It's also a live mine, so there'll be dynamite explosions going off in the distance. 第二,那是个活矿井,所以远处可能会发生爆炸声。
Yeah, I have a lactose-intolerant roommate with a taste for ice cream. Next. 我有一个患有乳糖不耐症却还爱吃冰激凌的室友(放屁)。下一个。
Oh, you have to be down there for 12 hours at a time. 你每次得在底下待12个小时。
Yeah? We have to be somewhere. 那又怎样?反正都得找地方待。
Well, there's no toilets, we'll have to do our business in a bucket. 对了,那里没厕所,我们都得排泄在一个桶里。
So it's settled...we're not doing it. 答案揭晓 ...我们不去了。
Look, I get it, but...before we pass up on an incredible opportunity, I was thinking about when Howard was training to go to space, they put him in a simulated environment. 我明白,但是...在拒绝这个难得的机会之前,我想到在霍华德要上太空的时候,曾在一个模拟环境里受训。
Interesting. You're suggesting that we recreate the conditions of the mine to see if we can handle it. Exactly. 有意思。你是建议我们重现一下矿井的坏境,看看咱俩能否适应吗。对。
Very well. 不错嘛。
Well, I'll just Google "Hot, dark and moist," see what comes up. 我来搜"炙热(性感)、黑暗(黑皮肤) 、湿润"几个关键词,看看能搜出什么。
Uh, Sheldon...Oh, there, well, look, there's all kinds of videos. 那个,谢尔顿...快看,搜出了好多视频呢。