生活大爆炸第八季 第46期:谈一下那些钱的事(在线收听

 Hey, you got a sec? 你有空吗?

Hi. Sure. 当然有。
I was hoping we could talk about the money again. 我希望能再谈一下那些钱的事。
Oh, sweetie, just forget about it. 亲爱的,算了吧。
No, no, no, no, hear me out. I know things got a little weird last night. 不,不行,听我说。我知道昨晚事情发展得有点诡异。
Well, leaving an envelope full of cash on my dresser after sex would count as weird. 上完床后,在我床头柜上留下装满钱的信封,的确算得上诡异。
Well, I think I came up with a pretty good solution. 我想出了一个很好的解决办法。
Why don't we just put the money in a joint account? 我们何不把这钱存进一个共同账户里?
It'll be our first money together. We can use it for the wedding, the honeymoon, whatever. 这将是我们的第一笔共同资产。我们可以用它办婚礼,蜜月旅行,什么都可以。
You know what, that's great. I love that! 这主意太好了。我喜欢!
Yeah, of course you do. I'm not just a genius in bed....... 你当然会喜欢啦,我可不止是床上小天才哦。
You sure are, baby. 你当然是啦,宝贝。
You two want to be alone? 你要和这笔钱独处一下吗?
I want you to know I get why you don't want the money that you've got this new job, you're excited about being financially independent and I am nothing but proud of you. 我明白你不愿意留着这笔钱的原因。你找到了新工作,你很高兴自己终于经济独立了。我也无比为你感到骄傲。
Oh, thank you so much. It feels so good to hear you say that. 谢谢你。听你这么说真是太开心了。
And I want you to know that I get this job kind of changes the balance in our relationship, and...I'm trying to be sensitive to that. 我也希望你知道,我有了工作以后,我俩之间的平衡发生了改变。我也在小心翼翼地处理这件事。
What? 什么意思?
Well, I just think that maybe you're a little hung up on the money because I'm less reliant on you now, and that's a little scary. 我只是觉得也许你纠结这笔钱,是因为我现在不再依赖你了,所以你感到害怕了。
Hmm. Maybe. 嗯,可能吧。
Or maybe I tried to do something nice and maybe you had a problem with it because of your control issues. 也有可能我是想对你好一点,结果可能你反而适应不了。因为你是个控制狂。
Control issues? 控制狂?
Maybe. 可能吧。
Or...maybe...now that I'm no longer an out-of-work actress who can't pay for her own dinner, that makes you a little insecure. 也有...可能现在我不再是失业的演员,不会再付不起自己的饭钱,让你有点没安全感了。
Well, I can't believe you'd say that. You know how insecure I am about my insecurities. 真不敢相信你会这么说。你明知道我对于“没安全感”这事特别没安全感。
You know what? I'm sorry. 好吧,对不起。
It's stupid to fight over money. 为钱吵架这种事太愚蠢了。
Yeah, I'm sorry, too. 我也很抱歉。
We're about to share the rest of our lives together. 我们还要一起共度余生呢。
It's our money, who cares who has it? 这是我俩的钱,谁拿着又有什么关系?
Ugh! You're right, who cares? 你说得对!有什么关系呢?
Get that money out of my back pocket or I will break your fingers. 把钱从我裤子口袋拿出来,否则我拧断你手指。