生活大爆炸第八季 第50期:流行偶像(在线收听

 So, as Hannah Montana, Miley was a world-famous pop star. 化身汉娜.蒙塔娜时,麦莉是一名风靡全球的流行偶像.

But then she would take off her wig and go to school like a normal girl. 但平时的她会脱下假发,像普通女孩那样去上学.
Which, I don't have to tell you, at that age, is its own headache. 不用我说你也知道,在那个年纪,光学校的事就很多烦恼了.
That's preposterous. How would she go unrecognized just by wearing a wig? 那也太荒谬了.怎么可能她一戴上假发,人们就认不出她了呢?
But you're okay with Superman concealing his identity with a pair of glasses? 那你怎么不质疑,为什么超人戴上眼镜就能隐藏自己身份呢?
He doesn't just put on a pair of glasses. 他不光只是戴上一副眼镜这么简单.
He combs back his curlicue and affects a mild-mannered personality. 他前额那一小撮卷发没了,性格也变得温文尔雅.
You guys doing okay down there? 你们俩在下面还好吗?
I told you to use the walkie-talkie! 都说要用对讲机啦!
You guys doing okay down there? 你们俩在下面还好吗?
Please keep this channel clear for emergencies. Thank you. 对讲机是用来应急,不是用来闲聊的.
I'm going to the vending machine. Do you want anything? 我要去自动贩卖机那,你们需要什么吗?
This is a simulation. We have to survive on the supplies we brought. 这是模拟实验,我们必须靠我们带来的物品生存.
Okay, just checking. 好吧,我就问问.
We should have asked her to get some Funyuns. 我们应该让她买点洋葱圈玉米片.
You're not going to have Funyuns when we're a mile below the surface of the Earth. 当我们在真的矿坑里时,你哪来的洋葱圈玉米片吃啊.
What if we brought them down with us? 如果是我们下矿坑时就带了的呢?
We'll take some Funyuns. 给我们买点洋葱圈玉米片.
Anything else? 还要别的吗?
Some York Peppermint Patties, a couple of Dr. Peppers, and...run to Best Buy and see if they have a portable DVD player and season one of a show called Hannah Montana. 还有约克薄荷饼,两瓶胡椒博士汽水,还有...跑去百思买商店看看有没有便携式DVD机,还有第一季的电视剧《汉娜.蒙塔娜》.
Have her get season two. Season one, it was still finding itself. 让她买第二季,第一季的时候剧情还在寻找风格.