美国小学英语教材3:第160课 统治者约瑟(4)(在线收听

 But what can I do, Joseph? asked the king. “那么约瑟,我能做些什么呢?”国王问道。

Find a man who is wise and honest, O King, said Joseph, "and let him store away grain during the seven good years. “啊,国王陛下,找一个机智诚实的人。”约瑟说,“让他在这七个丰年之内将粮食储存妥当。
Then there will be store-houses full of grain in the years when no grain will grow." 这样,到了荒年的时候,仓库里就备足了粮食。”
Joseph Becomes A Ruler 约瑟成为统治者
Joseph, I see that you are wiser than all my wise men, said the king. "You shall be ruler, for me, over all the land of Egypt. “约瑟,我看你比我所有的谋臣都要聪明。”国王说,“你将成为统治者,替我管理整个埃及。
Tell the people what they must do to get ready for the seven years when there will be no crops. 你告诉人民他们必须怎么做才能为那谷物不生的七年做好准备。
Everyone will obey you, and all Egypt will love you." 每个人都会听你的,所有的埃及人都会爱戴你。”
The king then placed a beautiful gold chain around Joseph's neck. 国王将一串漂亮的金链子戴在约瑟的脖子上。
He gave him clothes of fine linen and a beautiful home to live in. 给他穿上精美的亚麻衣服,并赐了一座漂亮的宅邸让他居住。
Whenever Joseph went out, servants ran before him, calling to the people, "Bow down to the great ruler of Egypt!" 无论约瑟什么时候出去,仆人都会跑在他的前面,对人们喊道:“拜见伟大的埃及统治者!”
When the seven years of good crops had passed, there came a time when no crops would grow. 五谷丰登的七年过去了,谷物不生的时候到了。
There was no grain in any land except Egypt, and there all the store-houses were full. 除了埃及之外,其他地方都没有谷物,只有埃及的仓库里粮食装得满满的。
People came from other countries to buy grain in Egypt, and among them were Joseph's ten older brothers. 其他国家的人们来到埃及买粮食,约瑟的十个哥哥就在其中。