英语听力精选进阶版 9642(在线收听

Hi there, I'm Ore from BBC World News for Schools. It's Thursday the 16th of June. 

Coming up: 

?The world watches a lunar eclipse, 

?Scientists excited at Roman poo find 

?And the light bulb that's been on for a hundred and ten years! 

But first to America. A group of computer hackers say they've brought down a website of the CIA - the US Central Intelligence Agency. It's one a number of recent computer attacks by a group called Lulz Security. It's thought that the group targets companies it feels act against the interests of their users. But it's uncertain whether THIS website crash was because of a Lulz Security attack. Recent hacking by the group included computer systems of Sony and Nintendo and a website of the US Senate. 

Next archaeologists have been discovering how Romans lived 2,000 years ago, by studying their poo. In a tunnel under the town of Herculaneum in Italy they unearthed a huge amount of human poo - seven hundred and fifty sacks of it to be exact! Scientists are excited and are examining it closely as it gives them lots of clues to what the Romans used to eat. But the professor leading the project says finding lots of human waste wasn't always thought to be this exciting: 

CLIP:"The same deposit was discovered in the 1940's and they didn't even report that they had found it. It seemed to be of no interest whatsoever. As far as we can tell they took it off in wheelbarrows and used it to fertilise their fields." 

Last night people around the world witnessed one of the most dramatic sights in the sky - a lunar eclipse. They happen when the earth casts a shadow on the moon but a little bit of light does get through, turning it red. It was the longest full lunar eclipse in nearly eleven years: 

CLIP:"You can see the moon it's turned red, it's very rare. Everyday when you go out from the house, you look at the sky and the moon is white but today the moon is red. Yeah it's pretty awesome." 

Next to space: 

CLIP:"We have lift-off of the Soyuz 27 rocket and spacecraft." 

You might remember we told you about the Japanese astronaut who is to grow cucumbers in space. Well Satoshi Furukawa has been posting web messages from the International Space Station saying he's been suffering from travel sickness! Thankfully he's feeling a bit better which is a good thing as he's supposed to live on the space station for another six months! 

And finally to a light bulb that's been glowing for... a hundred and ten years! This amazing bulb lives in a fire station in the state of California in America where it's been burning all day and all night. It's too fragile to touch or to turn off and it's intrigued everyone: 

CLIP:"Nobody knows why it keeps burning. We've had scientist from all over the country look at this light bulb - of course nobody has been able to touch this light bulb." 

For today's question we want to check out your history knowledge. The town of Herculaneum was lost, along with Pompeii in the eruption of which volcano? 

Yesterday we asked you what's the highest peak in the Alps mountain range in Europe. 

And the answer is... 

Mont Blanc 

OK, that's all from the World News for Schools team. We're back tomorrow.
