英语听力精选进阶版 9657(在线收听

Hi there, I'm Hayley from the BBC World News for Schools. It's Wednesday the 13th of July. 

Coming up: 

Millions more have been left in desperate need because of drought. 

The original football rules go up for auction. 

And Europe's biggest ever lottery winner! 

But first, last week 10 million people in East Africa were in need of urgent help because of the drought there. Since then, the figure has gone up by another two million. At the same time, tens of thousands of people are still arriving in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. These people need food and shelter. David Orr is a spokesperson for the World Food Programme - they're in charge of getting food to those who need it. He says that even though they have enough to hand out at the moment, that could soon change if they don't receive more money soon... 

CLIP: "Our food stocks for the Somali refugees coming into Daadab are good until October or thereabouts. But we do have a significant funding shortfall for that operation - about 24 million dollars at the moment." 

Moving onto a quick sport update now and it looks like Carlos Tevez isn't going anywhere just yet. Manchester City have just turned down a bid from the Brazilian side Corinthians to buy him for £35million. Maybe not that surprising seeing as they spent 50 million on the Argentinean player. 

And staying with footy for a second, this week will see the original rules for the game go up for auction. The booklet was published in 1895, but the game has changed a little since then. To start with, matches lased two hours, teams were 20 a-side and players wore coloured hats instead of strips - plus there was no off side rule. Richard Tims is chairman of Sheffield FC - the world's oldest football club - they own the rules. So what are some of the other differences? 

CLIP: "In the very early stage of that rule book you are actually allowed to catch the ball, but not run with it. So, that went astray actually a little bit later as well." 

Well they reckon the rules could reach as much as a million dollars when they go up for auction later this week - we'll keep you updated! 

Now if you're squeamish you might want to cover your ears for this next story. Scientists have found that snails are able to survive intact after being eaten by birds. 

Researchers in Japan found that 15% of the snails eaten survived digestion and were found alive in the bird's droppings - nice! 

And finally, a mystery ticket holder has won an estimated two hundred and fifty million dollars in the Euro-millions lottery, the largest prize ever won in Europe. And for today's question we want to know what you would do if you won the lottery? You can e-mail us your answers at [email protected], and we'll try and read as many out as we can. 

Yesterday we asked you how many countries Argentina shares a border with? And the answer is ...5 - Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile! 

OK, that's all from the World News for Schools team. We're back tomorrow.
