生活大爆炸第八季 第51期:看到我们吵架(在线收听

 Sorry you guys had to see that. 抱歉让你们看到我们吵架。

Oh, don't apologize. 不必道歉。
Yeah. It just makes it a lot harder to pretend it never happened. 是啊。这让我们更难假装这事从未发生过。
Money's a sensitive subject for Howie because of the difference in our income. 因为我们收入有差距,所以华仔对钱这个话题很敏感。
It really bothers him? 这真的会困扰他吗?
Well, sure. There's still a lot of pressure on guys to be providers. 当然啊。男人都会有这种压力,觉得自己必须撑起这个家。
So even though he's happy for me, it's just a little tough on him. 所以虽然他很为我开心,但其实他心里挺难受的。
Uh-oh. 惨了。
What? 怎么?
Well, if I do well in sales, I could end up making a lot more money than you. 如果我销售做得好,我很可能也会赚得比你多很多。
Not a problem. I grew up with a mother who emasculated my father financially and in every other aspect of his life, so really, it's what I think love looks like. 不是问题。从小我就看我妈各种践踏我老爸的尊严,从金钱到各种方面。所以...对我来说,这才是真爱的模样啊。
I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check on him. 我失陪一下。我去看看他怎么样了。
Maybe it's a good thing we came here. 或许我们来这边也是好事。
It's like a lesson in what not to do. 感觉就像是反面教材。
Yeah. I don't want something dumb like money to come between us. 对啊。我不想我们为金钱这样的蠢事而有了分歧。
It won't. Let's just promise to figure this kind of stuff out before we get married. 不会的。我们得保证把这些都谈好了我们才结婚。
Why are you being so bossy? ! 你为什么这么管家婆啊?!
Why are you being a baby? 你为什么这么死小孩啊?
I'm not a baby! 我才不是死小孩!
I'm a grown man, and I made the bed. Now where's my star? 人家已经长大了,我自己铺了床。我的小红花呢?
Should we go? Hang on. I want to see if he gets the star. 我们是不是该走了?再等会。我想知道他有没拿到小红花。