生活大爆炸第八季 第52期:热死人啊(在线收听

 Oh, this heat is brutal. 这是要热死人啊。

As someone from the tropical subcontinent of India, you should know that fanning yourself in a humid environment only raises your body temperature. 你来自热带国度印度,应该知道在潮湿环境下给自己扇风,只会让体温升高。
That does explain why the servants used to look so hot while they were fanning me. 现在我才明白,为什么以前家里佣人给我扇风时看起来都这么热了。
Let's get our minds off how uncomfortable we are. We could take some more simulated instrument readings. 我们别再去想现在有多难受,我们继续看模拟仪表读数吧。
My major focus at the moment is keeping my claustrophobia at bay. 我现在只求幽闭恐惧症别占领我的心。
How's that going? 情况如何?
You tell me. I feel like I can't breathe, and I am tempted to crack you open and suck the air right out of your lungs. 你觉得呢。我现在感觉喘不过气,非常有冲动想把你撕成两半,再把你肺中的空气都吸光。
Sheldon, if this is too much, we can stop. 谢尔顿,如果受不了,我们可以停止啊。
We're not stopping. 不许停。
You don't have to bite my head off. 那你也不用咬断我头吧。
I apologize. I j...I'm plagued by an internal struggle. 我道歉。我...我被自己的内部纠结深深困扰。
If you would just use the bucket, you'd be so much more comfortable. 如果你愿意在桶里释放出来,你的“内部”会舒服很多。
My struggle is emotional. 我的“困扰”是情绪上的。
Is it Amy? 是跟艾米有关吗?
It's dark matter. When I entered the field of string theory, I was a prodigy. 是暗物质。当我刚进入弦理论领域时,我是个奇才。
I rose to a position of respect, and I assumed my career would continue on that upward trajectory. 我上升到了受人敬仰的高度,我觉得我的职业生涯会在这条路上一直向上。
Now here I am in my 30s, I'm back at square one. 但现在我都30多岁了,却又要从头开始。
And, frankly, it's frightening. 老实说,我有些害怕。
Sheldon, you know what I think of when I'm scared? Voyager. 谢尔顿,你知道我害怕时都想什么吗?旅行者。
Voyager the space probe or Voyager the Star Trek TV show? 旅行者号太空探测器,还是《星际迷航:航海家号》电视剧?
The space probe. 太空探测器。
Good. Because I am too hot and tired to go on about how much I hate Voyager the TV show. 那就好,我现在又热又累,没力气告诉你我有多讨厌那部电视剧。
By the time I was born, Voyager 1's mission was supposed to be over. 在我出生的那会,旅行者一号本来的任务应该就结束了。
It had seen Jupiter and Saturn and all their moons, but it kept going. 它已经探测完木星,土星以及它们所有的卫星,但它还是继续前进。
When I left India for America, I was never more scared in my life. 当我离开印度来美国时,那是我一生中最害怕的时刻。
I had no idea what lay ahead. 前途茫茫,不知路在何方。
Whenever I feel that way, I think about how...Voyager is still out there somewhere beyond our solar system, going further than anyone ever thought it could. 但每当我感到害怕时,我就会想...旅行者还在天上,在太阳系外的某个地方,继续朝着无人能想到它能到达的远方前进。
Don't leave! You can do this! 别走啊,你能做到!
Sheldon, is everything okay? 谢尔顿,你还好吧?
It's too late for Koothrappali. Let's go! 库萨帕里来不及逃了。咱们快跑吧!
11 minutes. That's longer than I thought. 11分钟。比我预期的时间还久。
They're in my shirt! They're in my shirt! They're in my shirt! 它们在我衣服里!它们在我衣服里!爬到我衣服里了!