生活大爆炸第八季 第53期:最好玩的事情(在线收听

 Okay, this is definitely the most fun thing we can do with the money. 好了,这绝对是我们可以拿这笔钱做的最好玩的事情了。

I've never done it on a big old pile of cash before. "Me neither, Leonard. It's my first time, too." 我从来没有在一堆钱上"做"过呢。“我也是,莱纳德。这也是我的第一次。”
I'm so sorry I made you feel bad about the money stuff. 抱歉我在钱的事情上让你不开心了。
It's okay. 没关系啦。
No, it's not okay. I want us to be partners, equals. Adults in a mature relationship. 不,有关系。我想要我们俩平起平坐。像成熟恋情中的两个大人。
I want that, too. 我也想这样。
Now, let's talk about your birthday party. 那现在来聊聊你的生日派对吧。
Ooh, laser tag, laser tag. 啊,激光枪战,激光枪战!
Oh! Do you really need me to transcribe this? 你真的想要我转录下来吗?
You're not doing it for me. You're doing it for future generations who will benefit from my struggle. 你不是在为我做,你是在为未来的人类造福,让他们从我的困境中学习。
Sheldon's Mine Simulation Log, entry four: my Kit Kat has melted. 谢尔顿矿井模拟日志,第四条:我的巧克力条融化了。
All is lost. 满盘皆输。
You call yourself a friend? ! I was trying to help you! 你敢说你是朋友吗?!我在想着帮助你!
And at the first sign of trouble you ran away, leaving me to fend off a family of rats! 结果一有问题你丫撒腿就跑,留我被万鼠啮咬!
You're a completely selfish human being and a...and a physical and a moral coward! 你个不折不扣的自私鬼!你从里到外都是个孬种!
His statements of the obvious continue to annoy. 他总是说一些明摆的事情,好烦人。