生活大爆炸第八季 第54期:研究(在线收听

 So, what are you working on these days? 最近在研究什么呢?

I'm studying one-celled organisms to try and find the neurochemicals that lead to the feeling of shame. 我在研究单细胞生物,试图从它们身上找到引发羞愧感的神经化学物质。
What would a one-celled organism have to be embarrassed about? 单细胞生物会有什么需要感到羞耻的事啊?
Same as all of us, getting out of a car without underwear. 跟人类一样,车震完没穿内衣裤下车。
Speaking of underwear, I have some interesting news...-Okay, if it's sometimes Howie wears yours, Leonard already told us. 说到内衣,我有件挺有意思的事...-如果是华仔偶尔会穿你的内衣,那莱纳德已经告诉过我们了。
He was being funny. I'm pretty sure.  他只是在搞笑。我挺确定。
Anyway, I was asked to be a part of a magazine article about the 50 sexiest female scientists in California. Isn't that cool? 总之,我受邀参与一篇关于加州最性感的50名女性科学家的杂志专题。挺酷的吧?
I think it's awful. 我觉得很恶心。
Why would you say that? 你怎么会这么说?
Bernadette is a successful microbiologist.  伯纳黛特是一位成功的微生物学家。
She should be celebrated for her achievements, not her looks. I mean, what kind of message does that send? 人们应该赞美她的科研成果,而非长相。参与这种杂志专题,人们会怎么想?
I think the message is "Check out the rack on that scientist." 人们大概会想 "快看这童颜科学家的巨乳"。
Why can't someone be thought of as both smart and pretty? 为什么就不能被认为是智慧与美貌并存的呢?
I just don't think a professional woman should have to flaunt her sexuality in order to get ahead. 我只是不觉得一位职场女性需要靠展现自己女性象征来获得成功。
Okay, what's the big deal? Look, if it helps me make a sale with a physician, I don't think it hurts to flirt a little. 这有什么大不了的啊?如果那能帮我多卖点药给医生,我觉得跟人家调情一下也无妨。
I mean, laugh at their joke, touch their arm, maybe crank up the AC in the car beforehand, you know, to wake up the girls. 比如他说笑话就笑一笑,碰碰他们的手臂,下车前开空调冷气,激凸一下,见医生管用。
Maybe it's different in the world of sales, but it's already hard enough for women to be taken seriously in science. 可能在销售业界里不同,但在科学界,女性本来就已经很难被人认真公平对待了。
I was kind of excited about the article, but now you're making me feel bad. 我本来还对参与文章这事挺激动,现在被你说得好难过。
No, I think you should do whatever you want.  我觉得你想做什么就去做。
You know, maybe if fashion magazines had female scientists in them, I would've become a theoretical physicist. Stop smirking at each other. 当年如果有时尚杂志刊载女性科学家照片,说不定我也去当理论物理学家了。少在那边互相偷笑了。