生活大爆炸第八季 第55期:送货员(在线收听

 Thank you. 多谢。

No, thank you. Delivery men are the unsung foot soldiers of our nation's commerce. 是我该谢你。送货员是我们国家贸易界的无名英雄。
It's because of people like you, people like me can limit our human contact. I'd shake your hand, but, well, you know. 因为有你这样的人,像我这样的人才可以尽少接触人。我很想与你握手,但你懂的...
I'm not a delivery man, I-I'm a doctor. Although I do often deliver alarming biopsy results to my patients. 我不是送货员,我是名医生。虽然我也常常亲自给病人送结果很不妙的活检报告。
That's humorous. 你真幽默。
All right. 呵呵。
Yeah, I-I bet you leave your patients in stitches. That was also humorous. 我猜你一定常让病人满身缝补(捧腹大笑)。我这也是幽默。
All right. 呵呵。
Are you bringing flowers to a patient to cushion the blow of a terminal diagnosis? 你手里拿着花是为了安慰得了不治之症的病人吗?
That wasn't a joke. 刚才不是笑话。
All right. 呵呵。
These are actually for a nice woman who makes sales calls to my office. 这花是要送给一位打来我办公室推销的好姑娘。
You know, they have delivery people that will do that for you. 你知道有送货员可以代劳这种事吗。
I was hoping to impress her by tracking her down on the Internet and then showing up unannounced at her door. 我是想靠着网上人肉她搜到的资料直接来到她家门口,给她一个惊喜。
Making the extra effort. Good for you. 付出额外的努力。给你按个赞。