生活大爆炸第八季 第58期:文章取消(在线收听

 So, look, I-I wasn't going to say anything, but since you seem to be okay with the article being canceled, I have a little confession. I'm the reason it was pulled. 听着,我本来不打算说的,但既然你对于文章被取消没意见,我要向你坦白件事。文章取消是因为我。

What? How? 什么?怎么回事?
I sent the editors of the magazine a pretty scathing e-mail. 我给杂志社的编辑发了一封严厉斥责的电邮。
Amy, what did you say? 艾米,你说了什么?
I simply pointed out that they would never consider doing an article ranking male scientists on their sexuality, let alone showing them in various stages of undress. 我只是简单指出他们绝对不会考虑做一篇关于男性科学家性感指数排名的文章,更不会刊登他们不同程度宽衣解带的照片。
Because no one wants to see Neil deGrasse Tyson in a wet T-shirt, bent over the hood of a Porsche. 因为没人会想看奈尔·德葛拉司·泰森湿身在一辆保时捷的引擎盖上弯腰撅屁股。(奈尔·德葛拉司·泰森:美国著名天文学家,热衷于科普科教事业)
Well, it doesn't make a difference, because they agreed it was in bad taste, and now you agree, so...Amy saves the day. 这没什么两样,反正杂志社也认为这的确不得体。现在你也这么认为,所以...艾米成功挽救大局。
No, what happened was you got jealous, so you took away a chance for me to get some publicity. 错,事实是你嫉妒我,所以你夺走了我宣传自己的机会。
But it was bad publicity. 但那是负面宣传。
That's for me to decide, not you. 负不负面我说了算,而不是你。
I disagree. As a female scientist, I think what you do affects all of us. 我不同意。我认为你的所作所为会影响我们所有女性科学家。
And I think you don't like people expressing their sexuality because no one wants you to express yours.  我认为你不喜欢人们展现性感的一面,因为没人会要求你展现。
Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry. That was over the line. 艾米,非常对不起。我说的太过分了。
You have a nice night. 祝你有个愉快的夜晚。拜托别走。
Please don't go. Up until my vicious attack, you were the one in the wrong. 在我没有恶意攻击你前,错的人一直是你啊。
Here you go, Doctor. Red Zinger with one teaspoon of honey. 医生,请喝。紅木槿活力茶,加一勺蜂蜜。
Thank you. Neat Star Trek mug. I actually have one of the phasers from the original TV show. 谢谢。这《星际迷航》的杯子不错。其实我有一把来自老版电视剧的光枪。
Oh, cool. How'd you get that? 酷。你怎么搞到的?
Oh, easy, Gene Roddenberry needed a vasectomy. 简单,吉恩·罗登贝瑞要做结扎手术。