生活大爆炸第八季 第60期:感染(在线收听

 Oh, please! You know, I'll tell you how he did it. Implacable, relentless badgering. 少来!我来告诉他是怎么做到的。绵延不绝、 永无休止地纠缠。

In urology terms, he was a drug-resistant staph infection. And she was a urethra that could not shake him. 用泌尿学术语来说,他就像是耐药性葡萄球菌,而她是摆脱不了葡萄球菌感染的尿道。
I don't know that I'd call myself an infection. 我可不会称自己是一种感染。
A gallant man would defend his fiancee for being called a urethra. 英勇的男人会先为被称为"尿道"的未婚妻辩护。
Can we please change the subject? 我们能换个话题吗?
Hi! 嗨!
Well, that didn't go your way. 貌似天不遂人愿啊。
Dr. Lorvis, what are you doing here? 乐维斯医生,你在这里做什么?
Uh, well, actually I came to see you. 其实我是来找你的。
Really? Why? 是吗?为什么?
Ah, that's a good question. Apparently someone was being awfully flirty while not wearing their engagement ring,  这问题问在点子上了。貌似“某人”没有戴订婚戒而且整天跟人眉来眼去,
causing another someone to show up here thinking the first someone might be available. 所以招惹了“那人”来到这里。因为他以为某人还单身。
Oh, God. Don't make it so hard on her. Look, the first someone is the deceitful you. The second someone is the delightful Dr. Lorvis. 别说得这么复杂。“某人”指的是不忠的你。“那人”指的是可爱的乐维斯医生。
Oh, this is very embarrassing. Dr. Lorvis, I am so sorry. I did not mean to lead you on. 这太尴尬了。乐维斯医生,真的很抱歉。我不是故意让你误会的。
You touched my arm for two Mississippis. 你把手放在我的胳膊上有两大秒呢。
That's why you were mumbling "Mississippi." 怪不得你嘴里叨念着几大秒呢。
Can we talk in private? - Please, yes. 我们能借一步说话吗?-好的,走吧。
I'll be right back. 我马上就回来。
So what other celebrity genitalia have you handled? 你还经手过哪些名人的生殖器?