生活大爆炸第八季 第62期:地狱男爵(在线收听

 The gun from Hellboy? 这是电影《地狱男爵》里的那把枪吗?

Yup. 对。
How did you get it? 你怎么得到的?
Bought it at auction. 在一个拍卖上买回来的。
Oh, I was hoping for a juicy tidbit about Ron Perlman's testicles. 我还期望听到男主角朗·普尔曼的蛋蛋奇闻呢。
Oliver! I'm going to play bingo! 奥利佛!我要去玩宾果了!
Okay, Mother. Have fun. 好的妈妈。玩得开心。
Still lives with his mom. Yikes, right? 还和他妈妈住在一起。真可怜,对吧?
Yeah, I'm not quite sure how to respond. 我不知道该如何回答。
Wow, Donkey Kong! This-this was my game when I was a kid! 大金刚!这是我小时候最爱的游戏!
Because it's a story of a pretty blonde girl tirelessly pursued by a small, oddly-shaped man? 因为这是一个美丽的金发女孩被一个畸形的矮小男人不停追逐的故事吗?
No, because I liked it. 不是,因为我喜欢。
Well, now, don't get defensive. You're oddly-shaped, but you got the girl. 干嘛一说就炸毛。你是有点畸形,不过你追到女孩了啊。
So, I've noticed Leonard gets teased a lot about his relationship with Penny. 我注意到莱纳德经常因为和佩妮的感情被取笑。
Yes. If you'd like to join in, the premise is their love seems unlikely and doomed to failure. 是的。如果你也想加入我们笑他,我们一般以“爱得好蠢注定失败”为开头。
So, you think she'll be single soon? 所以你觉得她很快会单身吗?
Oh, if you want to get in on the pool, you're too late...All the squares have been purchased. 如果你想加入那个阵营,一切都太晚了。那里已经人满为患。
Interesting. Excuse me, I have to take care of something. 有意思。抱歉,我还有点事要办。
Leonard, as your friend I feel I should tell you something. 莱纳德,身为你的朋友,有件事我必须要告诉你。
What? 什么事?
I'm still upset about that peanut sauce. 我还在气那个花生酱的事。