生活大爆炸第八季 第63期:暧昧不明(在线收听

 Oh, could you hold the door? 请不要关门好吗?

Nice flowers. - Thank you. 好美的花。-谢谢。
They're for a girl. Uh, I'm being implacable and relentless. 是送给一个姑娘的。我要绵延不绝永、无休止地纠缠她。
Isn't she lucky? 那姑娘得多幸运啊?
She keeps sending me mixed signals. But I-I think we both want the same thing. 她给我的信号暧昧不明。但我...我想我俩追求的东西是一样的。
What's that? 追求什么?
Unconditional love. 无条件的爱。
I guess that's all anybody wants. 谁不想要这个呢。
I guess so. 没错。
Well, I hope you get it. 祝你成功。
One Mississippi, two Mississippi. 一大秒 、两大秒。
Next game, let's switch helmets. 下一局,我们换着头盔玩吧。
No, I'd look silly in that helmet. 不要,我戴你那个头盔好蠢。
I-I can't take these. 我不能收你的花。
Well, why not? I mean, you want what I want. And we had two wonderful Mississippis. 为什么啊?你我追求的目标一致。我俩一起拥有过美好的两大秒时间。
But what about the other girl? 那另一个姑娘怎么办?
Oh, right. I'll tell her we should just be friends. 好吧。我会告诉她只做朋友。
Dr. Lorvis? 乐维斯医生?
Penny, we should just be friends. Happy? 佩妮,我们还是当朋友吧。你高兴了吧?
You think he bites? 你觉得这玩意会咬人吗?
Stick your hand in there and find out. 把你的头伸进去试试看吧。
You fooled me with that goat at the petting zoo. You will not fool me again. 上次在动物乐园看山羊时你就骗过我。这次休想再骗到我。