生活大爆炸第八季 第64期:宾果游戏(在线收听

 I wonder where Dr. Lorvis is. He's been gone a while. 乐维斯医生去哪儿了。他离开好一会儿了。

Maybe he's playing bingo with his mommy. 也许是在陪他妈咪玩宾果游戏吧。
It's sad how some guys can't cut the apron strings. 都成年了还这么粘父母,真可悲。
Okay, now you're messing with me. 你说这话在逗我吧。
Uh, guys, we're locked in here. 各位,我们被锁这里了。
Oh, this day just keeps getting better! 今天的好事真是一件接一件啊!
So, you just left them alone playing games in your house? 所以你就把他们留在家里玩游戏吗?
Well, they seemed happy and...I thought that would give me time for you and I to get to know each other better.  他们玩得挺开心的...这样我们也有更多时间,能更深入了解彼此。
That was before we met. 这都是遇见你之前的事了。
We all have a past. 谁人没有过去呢。
Doc, you've got to see what you're doing is-is a little creepy. 医生,你要知道你的所作所为实在有点小吓人。
You sound just like Sigourney Weaver when I followed her into a restroom. 我跟踪西格妮·韦弗进厕所时,她也说了同样的话。(出演《异形》的美国著名女演员)
Okay, you can't just go chasing after every girl who's nice to you. 你不能一遇到对你好的姑娘就追着人家走。
Well, that's not what Sheldon says. And he seems to know his way around the ladies. 谢尔顿可不是这么说的,他这人看着挺会泡妞的啊。
Hey, Leonard. Guess who's back! Dr. Lorvis! Yeah. You care to join us? What? ! You locked them in your basement? ! 莱纳德,猜猜谁回来了?乐维斯医生哦!你想和我们一起玩吗?什么?!你把他们锁在你的地下室里了?!
Well, they're, they're not locked in. The door just sticks. 他们没有被锁啊。门只是卡住了而已。
Okay, so how do they unstick it? 好吧,那要怎么才能把门打开?
They'd need the key. 必须用钥匙。
Okay. Nope. That's it. We are gonna go over there right now. And you are going to let them out. 好吧。不对,够了。我们马上去你家。把他们放出来。
Three Mississippi, four Mississippi...- Move it! 三大秒、 四大秒... -快走!