生活大爆炸第八季 第65期:地下室(在线收听

 Oh, good, you're here. Amy, I am so sorry. 太好了,你在这里。艾米,我真的很抱歉。

That has to wait. This weirdo locked the guys up in his basement. - What? ! 那个等等再说,这疯子把那几个男生都锁在他家地下室了。-什么?!
She seems nice. Who's she? - Just walk. 她人看着不错,叫啥名啊?-赶紧走。
You can do this. 你一定可以的。
One ladder left! 还剩一个梯子了!
Oh-ho! -Yeah! - Yes! Next level! 太好了!-好耶!-太棒了!下一关!
Leonard, are you okay? 莱纳德,你还好吗?
Better than okay. I am having the game of my life! 超级棒。我正处于游戏人生的最巅峰!
Dr. Lorvis, isn't there something you want to say? 乐维斯医生,你不是有话要说吗?
Yes. I'm very sorry for locking you in my home. 对哦。我很抱歉把你们锁在我家里。
Yeah, that was very uncool. Get the hammer! Get the hammer! Got it. 没错,这也太不够意思了。抓那个锤子!抓那个锤子!成了。
Okay, Leonard, let's go! 好了,莱纳德,我们回家吧!
J-Just hang on! 再等一下下!
Well, while we wait, would you like to see Tobey Maguire's prostate sonogram? 那个,你们等待的时候,想不想看看托比·马奎尔的前列腺超声波扫描?(《蜘蛛侠》主演)
Sure. Yeah. 好吧。
Oh, spoiler alert. Uh, he was worried about nothing. 剧透一下。他完全是想太多。
Yeah! 太棒啦!