生活大爆炸第八季 第67期:电影之夜(在线收听

 Hi. -Hey. 嗨。-嘿。

We brought snacks for movie night. 电影之夜我们带零食来了。
Oh, great. I don't suppose you also brought napkins, clean bowls, utensils and a roll of toilet paper. -Right here. 太好了。你们不会顺便还带了餐巾纸、干净的碗、餐具,外加一卷厕纸吧。-还真带了。
You guys are the best. 你们最好了。
What's with the clothes? 这些衣服是怎么回事?
Well, with all the new stuff I bought for work, I needed to make room in my closet. 我为了工作买了不少职业装,衣橱得清出一些空位啊。
I meant why are they folded? But whatever. Ooh, what's this? 我是问这次衣服怎么是叠好的。不过随便吧。这件是干嘛的?
That, believe it or not, is my prom dress. 说了怕你们不信,那是我当年的毕业舞会裙。
Wow, you still have it? I just assumed it was balled up in the corner of a barn somewhere. 你还留着啊?我还以为会急忙中被揉成一团,丢到谷仓的某个角落去了。
What kind of teenager did you think I was? 你把我当年想成是哪种人了啊?
Slutty. - Easy. 淫荡。-风骚。
The word is "popular." 那是叫"受欢迎"好吗。
How was your prom? Did you go? 你当年的舞会如何?你去了吗?
No, but I was on clean-up crew. 没,但我去打扫了。
Aw, that's sad. 太可怜了。
No, it was okay. The DJ let me dance one slow song with my mop before he shut down.  不会,其实也还行。DJ在收工前,让我与我的拖把共舞了一曲慢歌。
Whenever I see a bucket of dirty water, I still hear "Lady in Red." 每当我看到一桶脏水,耳边还会响起那曲《红衣女郎》。
My prom was pretty terrible, too. I was so excited about my date, but it turned out he only asked me 'cause he liked my friend.  我当年的舞会也挺糟糕。当时我超兴奋那个男生来约我,结果发现他是为了泡我朋友所以才来约我。
He spent the whole night talking about her. 他一整个晚上都在聊我的朋友。
Okay, we get it, you had a friend and a date. Stop bragging. 行行行,你有朋友又有人约。不要显摆啦。
Doesn't matter. Prom is silly anyways. 无所谓啦。毕业舞会蠢爆了。
Easy for you to say; you probably went with the captain of the football team. 你说当然容易,你当年估计是跟橄榄球队队长一起去的。
No. I just made out with him a little while his date was puking. 才不是。我只是趁他的舞伴喝吐时偷偷跟他亲热了一番。
My date would've had to clean that up. 那呕吐物就会是我的舞伴拖把来清理。