生活大爆炸第八季 第68期:二次舞会(在线收听

 Ooh, I have an idea. Maybe we can have, like, a prom do-over. 喂,我有个主意。我们可以来一个二次舞会啊。

Oh, that would be so much fun. We could decorate the roof and make the guys wear tuxedos. 那应该会很好玩吧。我们可以布置一下屋顶,让他们穿晚礼服。
Ooh, and get our hair done, and slow-dance. 我们也去弄好头发,然后与他们跳慢舞。
Okay, guys, trust me, as someone who's been to, like, seven proms, it is never as good as you want it to be. 两位,相信我。作为去过大概有七场毕业舞会的人,舞会永远不会如你们想象中那般美好。
You went to seven proms? 你去了七场舞会吗?
Yeah, let's see. Uh, four "Under the Seas," Two "Enchanted Evenings," and one "Night to Remember" that...I cannot remember for the life of me. 对,我想想。四场"深海主题" 、两场"魔法奇缘"、一场"难忘之夜"。那一夜我可是喝到一点都记不得
Hey. -Hey. 嘿。-嘿。
Hey, where's Bernadette? 嘿,伯纳黛特呢?
She and Amy are out dress shopping for their prom thing. 她跟艾米出去买舞会的礼服了。
Oh, yeah, I got that Evite. Ever since I saw Pretty in Pink, I've wanted to go to an American prom. 我有收到电邮邀请。我看完《红粉佳人》后我也好想参加美国人的毕业舞会。(《红粉佳人》:1986年青春爱情校园电影,片中有毕业舞会桥段)
But then I saw Carrie, and I did not want to go to an American prom. 但看完《魔女嘉丽》,我又一点都不想参加美国的毕业舞会了。(《魔女嘉丽》:惊悚电影,有1976与2013两个版本。片中女主角在舞会上展开了一场大屠杀)
But then I saw Never Been Kissed, and I'm back on the prom bandwagon. This prom thing's been a real roller coaster. 但我又看了《一吻定江山》,我又重新想参加毕业舞会了。(《一吻定江山》:1990年浪漫喜剧电影,也有浪漫舞会桥段)毕业舞会这事真让我的心大起大落啊。
Bernie's really excited. I-I could tell because her voice got so high, the beagle next door started howling. 妮妮很兴奋呢。我知道她兴奋是因为她声音变超尖,隔壁的狗听到都开始狗嚎了。(高音容易使狗开始嚎叫)
Did you go to your prom? 你有去毕业舞会吗?
No. I had a date with a proper education. Instead of a tuxedo, I dressed myself in good habits. 没。因为我与当个好学生有个约会。比起一身燕尾服,我养成一身好习惯。
Instead of spiked punch, I enjoyed the intoxicating flavor of knowledge. 比起掺了烈酒的潘趣酒,我更喜欢知识醉人的味道。(潘趣酒:含酒精度较低的饮料酒)
Instead of dancing in a gym, I shook my booty to the seductive rhythms...-Okay, okay. -...of AP Calculus. 比起在体育馆里跳舞,我更愿意随着AP微积分诱人的节奏...-够了够了。-...抖屁股。
How come you're not shopping with Amy and Bernadette? 你怎么没有跟艾米和伯纳黛特一起去采购呢?
Let me guess, you think the whole idea is lame? 我来猜猜,你觉得这个舞会主意烂爆了?
Well, who cares what I think? What do you think? 不要管我怎么想,你觉得如何?