生活大爆炸第八季 第71期:潘趣酒里掺烈酒(在线收听

 Not always. Unless your date drives a van with an air mattress, then always. 也不尽然啦。但如果你舞伴的货车上有充气床垫,那就是惯例啦。

Well, if it's part of the prom experience, then I'm open to it. 如果这是舞会体验的一部分,那我愿意接受。
You're kidding. 你开玩笑呢吧。
I may be an alien, but I have urges.  我或许是个外星人,但我也有冲动啊。
If Amy wants to copulate by firing her eggs into space, well, then, I will happily catch them with the reproductive sac on my upper flermin. 如果艾米想交配,把卵子发射进太空,那好,我很乐意用我"上殖器"的生殖囊兜住它们。
I'm not the best at reading facial cues, but I can see that you're a little turned on. 虽然我不擅长阅读面部表情,但我能看出你有点小性奋哦。
You know, if you're not gonna learn how to do this, they make some pretty good clip-ons. 如果你懒得学怎么系领结,有很多夹上去的领结也很漂亮。
Bruce Wayne doesn't wear a clip-on. 布鲁斯·韦恩
Bruce Wayne doesn't make his roommate tie it for him. 布鲁斯·韦恩也不会让他的室友帮忙系啊。
His name is Alfred, and, yes, he does. 他的室友
There, perfect. 好了,完美。
What, are you sure? It's my first prom, I want to do it correctly. 你确定吗?这是我人生第一场毕业舞会,我可得按照规矩来。
I thought you were gonna pretend to be an alien. 我以为你要打破常规扮外星人呢。
I was, but Penny didn't want to. You didn't want to. Bernadette, Amy, Koothrappali and Wolowitz didn't want to.  我想来着,不过佩妮不想。你也不想。伯纳黛特,艾米,库萨帕里和沃罗威茨都不想。
And even I knew it was weird to hire somebody. 而连我都知道,请临演来会很怪。
Was that a flask? 那是酒壶吗?
Yes. I've decided to embrace all of the traditions associated with prom, including spiking the punch. 是的。我决定接受所有和舞会相关的传统,包括在潘趣酒里掺烈酒。
You're gonna put alcohol in the punch? 你要在潘趣酒里掺烈酒?
Oh, no, this is pomegranate juice. It's all the fun of high school high jinks with the cell-protecting zip of antioxidants. 才不,这是石榴汁。用保护细胞老化的抗氧化物,来玩高中生寻欢作乐的游戏。