生活大爆炸第八季 第74期:恐慌症(在线收听

 Very funny. 真好笑。

Well, you wouldn't have asked me either. 不过你肯定也不会邀请我。
I would have asked you. In my head. On the way home. While I was having a good cry. 我肯定会邀请你。在我脑子里。在回家的路上。大哭的时候邀请你。
Sheldon, can I come in? 谢尔顿,我能进来吗?
I don't think that's a good idea. 我觉得还是算了吧。
Why not? 为什么?
According to an online message board, I may be having a panic attack.  根据网上的留言板说,我可能是恐慌症犯了。"足球妈妈09"也有同样的症状。
SoccerMom09 had similar symptoms. But to be fair, the twins were a real handful that day. 不过说实话,她的双胞胎那天的确很不乖。
You're making me worry. What's going on? 你让我很担心。到底怎么回事?
What's going on is we're about to go to a prom.  事情是我们要去参加毕业舞会。
And there's a great deal of pressure on young couples like us to engage in what Mr. Bob Eubanks called making whoopee. 对我们这样的青年情侣来说,要做到鲍勃·尤班克斯说的那样"肆意狂欢" 有很大压力。(鲍勃·尤班克斯:美国新婚游戏节目主持人)
What pressure? All I said was you look handsome. Can you please open the door? 什么压力?我不过就说了你好帅。把门打开好吗?
It's not just that. Leonard and Penny also made comments about it.  不光是这样。莱纳德和佩妮也说了这事。
And I'm not blind. Even I looked twice when I saw my posterior in these tuxedo pants. 我又不是瞎子,我都忍不住多看两眼我的翘臀裹在礼服裤里的样子。
So, I met Jeanie at your Aunt Gladys'. She passed me the Manischewitz, I took one look at this punim, and I almost plotzed on the kugel. 我跟珍妮相识于你阿姨格拉蒂家。她递给我犹太典礼酒,我看了这犹太美女一眼,差点犹太式"喷"到犹太布丁上。
Is this what I sound like when I talk about India? 我谈论印度时也这么烦人吗?
So, my mother's okay with this? 我妈对此没意见吗?
Why would your mother have a problem with me and Stuart? 你妈干嘛对我和斯图尔特有意见?
Cause they have a weird, inappropriate relationship. 因为他们之间存在着不恰当的逾越之举。
Weirder than what you and I did in my dad's Corolla? 比咱俩在我爸车里"做"的事还逾越吗?